Chapter 8

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"Mel, you're with me. Aiden, watch Storm." I had to be on guard around this guy. He's the one that has caused my mate so much pain, he's gonna pay for what he did to her.

"Alex, that's a bad idea. Mel can barely walk. Let me go with y-" I growled at Aiden, cutting him off.

"I know what I'm doing."

Mel and I exited the car and walked up the drive-way where Mark stood.
Mel was still limping but her face never fazed. She was in attack mode just as I was.

"Ah! Alpha Alex, You're just the man I was looking for." Mark laughed, I saw right through his smile. I'm an alpha, I have to learn to smell bullshit and this guys is loaded with it.

I looked over at my sister and saw her eyes glowing blood red.

"Calm down, If he tries anything I'll let you kill him but you have to calm down. If he finds out we have Storm that may cause problems." I said through our mind link.

I saw her eyes slowly turn back into her original green.

I turned my attention back to Mark, "Please alpha Mark, come inside."

We walked inside the pack house to my office and sat down.

"I gotta say, your pack house is beautiful." Mark said.

"Thank you. Now what brings you to here today?"

He leaned back on the couch smiling like an idiot, "I was wondering if you could update me on the whereabouts of my sister? You know, the one that has been missing for weeks."

I looked in his eyes and shrugged, "Well I'm a very busy man, I've conducted many searches and found nothing but I passed the details to the Fury pack 20 miles south from here. If you check with them I'm sure you would have better luck."

He stood up and leaned forward on my desk, "Ya know, my father always told me something during my alpha training. He said 'To become a successful alpha you have to learn how to smell a liar.'"

"Well he was a very wise man" Shit, he figured it out.

"Yeah he was. And I think your bullshitting me. Where is my sister?"

I stood up, his eyes widened slightly. I easily towered over him, I'm 6'1 and he's about 5'7.

"Well alpha Mark, I don't appreciate the disrespect your showing me by calling me a liar. So I think you should leave. "

He scoffed, "You just started a war you cant finish. I'm coming back for my sister. Only next time, I'm bringing some friends." With that being said, he walked out of my office.

I followed him outside, Mel was in wolf form eyeing Marks every step. He rolled his eyes, causing her to growl.

"Don't come back until you can show my pack some respect." I yelled. Mark spit on the ground in front of me and drove off.

I looked at Mel and saw her hind leg was lifted off the ground.

I sighed, "Come on, Let's get you to the pack doctor."

She grunted and slowly followed behind me.

Aiden ran up to us, "Alex. Is he gone?"

I nodded and knocked the door to the pack doctor.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?"

"Simple injury." I said.

The doctor rolled his eyes and put on a shirt.

Aiden whispered in my ear, "Why is he never wearing a shirt?" I shrugged and walked in.

Mel had shifted back and had a cast on her leg.

"Okay Melody, your leg was just fractured badly. I repeat WAS. But then you decided to shift and that broke your leg completely. So now you have to wear a cast."

She pouted and looked away.

Doc smirked, "You'll need to use crutches for a couple weeks and NO SHIFTING. Got me?"

Mel sighed and nodded, "Fine, give me the damn crutches."

Stormy walked in as Doc gave Mel painkillers and crutches, "Hey Guys.." she said in a sad tone.

I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her, "Storm, don't worry about a thing. You're safe here."

She pulled away and walked up to Mel, "I'm sorry for hurting your leg."

Mel smirked, "No need to apologize, at least you know how to fight back. Just next time, aim for the throat. Not my leg."

We all laughed and went back to the pack house.

-Later that night-

"Damn, Mel would not go to sleep." Aiden said plopping down on the couch in my office.

"I'm not surprised, you know the full moon is coming in 3 months. I can feel the she-wolves getting restless."

Aiden's eyes widened, "Wow. You can feel all that?"

I nodded and started working on my pack work, It's been a while since I've done any work and it's starting to pile up.

Aiden was texting on his phone, he's been quiet lately. I shrugged it off and continued my work.

I found a file with the Eastern moon packs name on it. I opened it and read:

Alpha- N/A
Luna- N/A
Beta- Colin Fields
Beta Female- Megan Fields
Third in command- Unknown

Former alpha and luna are deceased.

Cause of death: Rouge attack

Mark, Leon, and Stormy Patricks

Former alpha and Luna left their title to their daughter; Stormy Patricks and her future mate on her 18th birthday.

Whereabouts of offspring- Unknown

I suddenly stood up from my chair, "What the hell?"

"Whats wrong?" Aiden asked while standing.

I ignored him and grabbed my phone to dial the Fury pack.

Those files are always refreshed every month. So why is the Alpha space blank on their file?


"Ryan? This is Alex from the Blood Moon Pack, I have a few questions to ask you."

"Sure. What's up?"

"The Eastern Moon pack. Who is their alpha and beta?"

I heard shuffling in the background until he spoke, "Uh, it's ....blank... What the hell?"

I scoffed, "I knew it. Something's not
Right with that packs file. Can you tell me why?"

"I have to call the elders about this. We'll talk later."

After he hung up, I immediately look at their file on my computer.

Alpha- Mark Patricks
Beta-Leon Patricks
Beta female-
Third in command- Colin Fields

Former Alpha and luna deceased.
Cause of death: Rouge attack

Offspring- Mark and Leon Patricks

Former Alpha left his title to his eldest son and future mate.

Now I know something's wrong. Their pack info is corrupted.

Were they trying to keep Stormy a secret?

Sorry this chapter took so long, I had my Birthday (may 29th) and I had test to do but its summer sooooo yaaaay!

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