Chapter 12

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Thank you guys so much for all the support that you have given me! I can not believe you guys have gotten me to 53 THOUSAND reads!!!!! This is so crazy. Thank you all for the votes and comments. I love reading your comments so please keep it up. You guys are awesome for sticking around while I take years on a chapter. I love you guys, Now ON TO THE CHAPTER!!!!!!


"I'm going to kill you and that alpha mate you have. I'll kill his sister and his parents. You better say your goodbyes, cause your time there is limited."

I shot up from my bed with tears in my eyes. Why won't he stop? When will this end?

"Storm, are you okay?" Alex said rubbing my back. I buried my face in my hands, "WHY WON'T HE GET OUT OF MY HEAD?!"

Alex sighed and held me to him. I cried silently against him for what felt like forever. The silence broke from the sound of his phone ringing. He cleared his throat before speaking, "Hello?" I laid my head on his lap and waited for him to finish talking. I must have fallen asleep because he was gone when I opened my eyes.

I looked at the clock as I stretched, It was 9:00 in the morning. I can not believe he let me sleep this entire time!

I jumped up quickly throwing on some sweatpants and a long-sleeved shirt and bolted down the stairs. Mel was waiting on the hood of her car. She was frowning at her phone but looked up and smiled, "Well good morning sleeping beauty. How'd ya sleep?" I sighed in relief, "Like a champion.". We hopped in her car and she began driving. "Sooooo....", Mel began. "How's school going?"

I gave her a confused look and shrugged, "I wish I knew. I've been out of it these last few days." She chuckled and patted my head. Mel always found ways to bring a smile to my face even if she was in a bad mood. She pulled up to the school and let me out at the entrance, "I'll see you in a bit. Gotta get gas." I nodded and went inside.


Lunchtime came around and I was sitting with Cassie and her friends. I guess I've made some new friends recently.

"I'm telling you, Selena Gomez would be nothing if she didn't date Justin." Cassie scoffed at her friend before replying, "Selena was already famous before him. She was an actor dumbass!" 

Maybe not.

I sat still watching them yell back and forth. I silently ate my veggie burger until Silas came over and sat by me. He leaned toward my ear and whispered, "We gotta talk." I nodded and dismissed myself from my table.

Silas and I walked down the hallway toward a secluded classroom in the back of the school. He paced around the room causing me to worry, "Silas, what is this about?"

He continued to pace and began biting his fingernails, "I think your brother knows where you are." My heart stopped beating for a second, "He knows? Like, He knows exactly where I am?"

Silas shrugged causing me to panic. There's no way Mark would take me with too many witnesses. It's not his style. But I am worried, would he do that?

The bell rang for the last class of the day and Silas escorted me to my classroom.

"We'll talk more when we get home." I nodded and he jogged down the hall. I found my seat and glared out of the window. My brother wouldn't seriously kidnap me in public. It would attract too much attention to him.....I hope.

My teacher came in the classroom and began his boring lesson. My mind continuously wondered to my brother when I tried to pay attention in class. It's not like I understood any of it anyway. I tried so hard to focus on my school work but I had been out of school so long that I gave up.

Aiden tries to tutor me but I just don't understand. I became agitated and asked to go to the bathroom. I left and walked down the hallway to my locker and grabbed my things. I need some fresh air before I explode. I began walking toward the school doors but someone grabbed me and dragged me to the janitor's closet. 

The person let me go but covered my mouth, I looked up to see Mel standing over me covered in garbage. I began to gag behind her hand, she looked at me in fear, "I swear to god Storm. You better not throw up on me."

I swallowed and watched her put her ear on the door. Why are we in here? Why is Mel covered in garbage? Why am I freaking out?!

She sighed and took her hand off my mouth, "Okay, I think we're good." I whispered, "Why are you covered in garbage?" She looked down and smelled her shirt, "I got thrown in a dumpster. Why else would I smell like shit?" I felt sympathy for her. She looked at me and brushed my sympathy off. 

She opened the door and peeked both ways before stepping out. Someone tapped my shoulder, "Excuse me?" I screamed and threw Mel at them. The guy looked at me like I was crazy, "I was looking for you to give you your phone! You dropped it at lunch."

I hesitantly took my phone and thank him. Mel scratched the back of her head and apologized.

"You should find out why someone is chasing you before you run away screaming bloody murder." The guy scoffed and walked away. I kicked her in her bad leg, "You dragged me away like you were a murderer from someone who was trying to help me?! What the hell Melody?"

She winced rubbing her leg and apologized. After a few moments of silence, Mel smiled evilly.

"Let's ditch."

I raised my eyebrows in surprise, "Why? The bell rings in five minutes."

She groaned walking back the way she came. I caught up to her and walked beside her, "I mean it would be useless and a waste of energy."

She groaned again, "Why are you such a buzz kill?"

The bell rang dismissing us from school. Mel told me that she had somewhere to be and that Aiden would drive me home. I saw her and Silas get into his truck and speed down the road.

I sat on the stairs and waited. I wonder what Silas does for fun. What do Elders do in general other than contain killers and start wars? I'll have to ask him later. Aiden came out of the school covered in mud.

"What happened to you?" I asked wiping some mud off his shoulder. He chuckled, "Nothing important. Just a misunderstanding between a pack member." He wasn't the type of guy to get in fights so I'm a little worried. Why is everyone getting dirty? There are so many questions that need answers.

Aiden smiled as we walked to Mel's car, "Today was fun." I chuckled a little, "Yeah. It was."

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