chapter 1

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Bakugou Katsuki didn't like to think about his past and he rarely did. But as he sat in his office with the file of the day's previous incident, he couldn't help but think back on his past. On the biggest mistake of his life.

The mission that day had been a simple take down of a villain hideout near Musutafu main square. It'd been a bit problematic as there tended to be a lot of civilians at that place but nothing out of the ordinary. There'd only been a handful of civilians hurt and none of them serious. Now he was just tasked with cleanup duty, going over the files and injuries of the hurt civilians and seeing if and how his agency needed to take responsibility.

The reason his mind traveled back to his shameful past was because of a civilian's particular file. A fourteen year old middleschool boy. The boy only had some scratches and mild smoke inhalation. He hadn't even needed to visit the hospital. The boys' file contained the injuries sustained as well as all his basic information, such as name, age and quirk.

Quirk. That was what caught the blond man's attention. The word quirkless was written in his file.

Katsuki placed the file down on his desk and let out a long and tired sigh, running his hand over his face. A fourteen year old quirkless boy caught up in a villain attack.

Images of green hair, freckled cheeks and warm smiles played before his eyes. Memories of a boy so excitedly talking about his future as a hero and memories of a note. Of is mother crying on the couch, loosely holding a phone, his father having a comforting arm around her while tears of his own streamed down his cheeks. Memories of a funeral and a small greenhaired woman screaming and crying hysterically, trying to reach for the dark coffin and having to be held back. Memories of that warm smile being reflected in the photo that stood next to the coffin. Memories of seeing that smile and feeling his own tears run down his cheeks.

Katsuki leaned his head back, staring blankly at the ceiling while trying to push the images away and trying to forget the sinking feeling in his stomach.

A soft knock was heard at the office door bringing Katsuki out of his thoughts and he turned to see Kirishima standing at the doorway.

The two of them worked in the same agency and had both been active during the days' mission.

"Just wanted to check in," He said. "How's the paperwork coming along?" Katsuki glansed down on the file one last time, looking at the picture of the kid. They looked nothing alike, he thought before looking up again and giving a shrugg. "Just got one last to go through, then I'll be finished."

Kirishima nodded. "Alright. Let's head out once you're finished, we need to buy some flowers for Tsuyus' promotion party later. Can't believe she was already promoted to full-time member with the oki mariner crew"

Katsuki really didn't feel like going out to a party tonight. He found his classmates to be even more annoying since they graduated high school. Always trying to catch up and speak about completely useless things. He didn't hide the annoyance on his face as he thought about sitting through another night of drunk idiots rambling on and on about things he had nothing to do with. He could practically see Kaminari, his cheeks red from drinking, leaning over him and asking why he had "anger issues".

"Come on, Bakubro. You've skipped the last three outings. Everyone wonders how you're doing. " The word of his old High-school nickname earned Kirishima a death glare, making the red-haired smile sheepishly.

Not easing up on his sour demeanor Katsuki stood up and grabbed his jacket that hung over his office chair. Without putting it on, simply tossing it over his shoulder, he walked past Kirishima and towards the door. "Take it you're coming then?" He heard Kirishima ask from behind.

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