8. Lana's disclosure

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Ivana kept throwing glances over her shoulder at Lana. She had noticed something going on with her younger sister since Lana hadn't displayed her usual exuberance throughout the entire journey. When she had asked her about it, Lana had only smiled and shaken her head. Still, Ivana could see that Lana looked pale and kept a close eye on Seithre, as if she could turn into a monster at any moment. Ivana had followed her gaze, but she couldn't find anything peculiar about the elf that warranted suspicion.

Ivana couldn't comprehend Lana's reaction. Wasn't she excited that an elf had visited them again? When Cholas from Efas had visited them before they journeyed to Darkor, Lana had been ecstatic. When they had stayed in Efas itself, Lana had been the most saddened when they had to continue their journey. What was it about Seithre that upset Lana so much?

She commanded Audacus once again to fly beside Igarus and asked her sister again, "Laan, are you really okay? You look like you've seen a ghost. I'm a bit worried about you."

Lana gave her a fleeting smile and nodded. Ivana remained unconvinced but found it impolite to pry into Lana's thoughts without her permission. So, she asked softly once again, "Are you sure? Because you don't look like it. Don't forget, I've known you for 77 seasons, and I pretty much know when you're lying. Should we have talked first about how you met Seithre?"

Ivana clearly heard Lana's breath catch for a moment, then she sighed. "I'll tell you later, Iva. Not now." She cast a meaningful glance at Seithre, who was dreamily looking at the trees rushing by. Ivana nodded and kept quiet. Something was seriously wrong, that was evident. She just couldn't fathom what could be wrong with a peaceful elf like Seithre.

After half an hour, the dragons landed on the open grassy field where they had left their horses, and the trio dismounted almost synchronously. Ivana thanked Audacus with a kiss on his snout and then called her anxious horse to her. The horse snorted restlessly and scraped its hoof on the sandy ground upon seeing Audacus's size. The dragon paid the creature no attention and casually licked his scales clean, though his eyes sometimes shot towards the mare. Ivana soothed her horse with the reins and stroked its neck reassuringly. Then she hopped on and blew a kiss to Audacus.

"I'll see you again tomorrow, Audi."

"I'd advise you to come on a different steed tomorrow. I'm afraid this mare might have a heart attack if you don't get her away from me quickly. Silly noble animals. Why would you be afraid of me? I don't bite."

He lazily winked at her, then chuckled at his own joke. Ivana smirked, then rode towards her sisters, who were standing a little way off with their dragons. She waited patiently until her sisters bid farewell to their dragons, mounted, and then looked at Seithre in surprise. She hadn't mounted any horse yet and showed no intention of doing so.

"Is there something wrong?" Lana asked, calming her black steed, which nervously eyed Seithre. Ivana raised an eyebrow. What was Lana's horse bothered about? She could understand Ivana's mare being afraid of Audacus, but why Lana's horse was afraid of an elf, she couldn't comprehend. Perhaps Lana's agitation was causing her steed to distrust the elf? Maybe Dalagh hadn't trained the animals as well as he thought. She would talk to him about it when they got home.

Seithre shivered as if having a fever and pulled the collar of her red velvet cloak closer around her. Ivana noticed that, besides her typical pale complexion, the elf had feverish red flushes on her cheeks. She wondered if elves could get sick; after all, Seithre had endured a long journey with many hardships. Maybe she caught a cold.

"I'll walk," Seithre simply said. "You know elves are faster than other beings, and a bit of exercise won't hurt, will it?"

"Exercise?! You've just had a ten-day journey!" Lana remarked, frowning.

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