Chapter 6: Imma just casually have an anxiety attack

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Arrogant, I was being arrogant.

I looked back at Mari's fullsized mirror. "I knew somewhat the plot. Why didn't I do anything about it?"

I drop down, ignoring Tikki's words of comfort (sry tikki!!!!)

Arrogant, always arrogant. Why am I-

Calm down, calm down. You are ok... I guess under the circumstances. You know what will happen, just follow the old plot now. You'll be fine.

Then, my anxiety kicked in. General anxiety disorder. I had that in my (old?) life. I thought it left but... I had gotten used to not worrying about everything all the time. It was... It was better in a way. For my health and everything. 

My breath quickened as my mind worked at lighting speed, finding ways I could die, ways I could stay trapped in this world. Fear enveloped me liked when a light flicks off. 

My head hurt, I couldn't breath. Why couldn't I breath? Everything was shaking, the world was spinning. Pain spun through me like and iron web, stabbing me. I couldn't see, I wasn't crying, but I couldn't see. 


...This was edited so much, I deleted it all.

Words: 190 🥲

Different person, same Ladybug 🐞Where stories live. Discover now