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My yelp was loud against the building’s silence

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My yelp was loud against the building’s silence.

“Where are you taking me?”

I asked when he swept me off my feet and slung me over his shoulder like I do not weigh anything at all.

“Does it matter? You’ll end up staked on my cock both ways”

Despite not being a virgin, my cheeks colored at his dirty mouth and crude words. My doubts became stronger when he turned into a corner after climbing what felt like staircase.
It’s dark everywhere and the light of the hearth is getting more distant, so does my chance of escaping if I ever need one.

A few more turns and I gasped when he kicked a door open. His impatience is evident when he all but tore it from its hinges when it refused to budge.

“I cannot wait to taste you, sweet Eve” he groaned.

Dizziness took me over when he suddenly unloaded me from his shoulder to plant me on my feet. Once I’m stable, my gaze swiveled around the place he had taken me and backed down from fear.

I expected a bedroom or something. However, what I don’t expect are the shackles surrounding a round stone table that looks like a place for restraining a human undergoing live surgery without anesthesia.

Hooks hung from the ceiling and to the right, an array of tools like whips and large headed bats are scattered on their shelves as if they are frequently used.
What unnerved me the most are the different sharp-edged blades, good enough to cut flesh.

Eyes wide with terror and both curiosities, I stumbled back when my foot hit something.
Unlike the hallways we had passed, there is actually candles in here lighting the place and the glow is bright enough for me to notice the foot cuffs there and the unmistakable crimson color of blood.

Gasping, I made a move to flee but a broad chest blocked my way.

“Oops. No turning back now”

Hades grinned darkly and I screamed when his large arms encircled my waist and hauled me over to the round table.

I tried to kick and hit him but my struggles are all futile compared to his brute strength.
Not a second later, I’m thrown above the round stone table.

I groaned at the impact, pausing my struggles but it is enough for him to cuff my hands on either side.

I kicked my leg at him but he easily catches it.

“Wait” I panted. “I take it back. I take it back”

I tried to reason out but he merely smirked and spread my legs apart until his large hips fit between them. He didn’t shackle my feet but his hands around my ankles is another impossible chain to break from.

Hades licked his lips, looking down at me and groaning. My panties became damper at the sound but the sight of the blood I had seen on his floor had me trying to fight it.

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