Chapter four - The court

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I slept for fourteen hours. It would be longer, but Steve woke me up. Probably for the best, it was 16:00.

„Good morning Alex. How are you feeling?"

My back hurt like hell, probably because I had to crouch a lot in the tunnels.

„You look fine, here, I got you a coffee from that guy across the street."

„Thank you. I immedietly fell asleep. Did something happen?"

„No progress in the case, but there's something more important."

Ahh, so the coffee only prepared me for another problem. Great start of the day.

„Well, after what happened yesterday and this morning, management decided to také the case to a court."

„They did what? There are no clues , we did nothing yet."

Steven had this weird look in his eyes. I knew what was coming. I just wasn't ready to face it.

„The court isn't about the case Alex, it's about you."


I made loads of silly things in my life, but it was always for the so called 'greater good'.

This was one of them. Others just didn't saw it the same way.

„You don't need to worry, we will support you."

„Who? Officers saw me running towards gas station, you and your pals weren't with us in canals and John is my friend, no one will trust him."

I was right unfortunately.

Steve was a clever guy. He was working with us since our first days at the station. But we didn't know anything about him. He was one of those men who sit and analyze, rather than being in middle of shootout.


It was 17:00 when we headed to the court room. Steve was driving and let me rest. I needed it. Every minute of calm breathing was a treasure for a cop in this kind of situation.

Bright neon lights reflected on puddles of water. It stopped raining but it was obvious that a big storm is coming.

„Ahh, there is a traffic jam, I have to ride through Brooklyn Heights. Hmm, perhaps I should turn on radio. I mean the normal one of course."

„Whatever you say, buddy."

A calming guitare tickled my years like the sweetest memories of childhood. When the song ended, Steve somehow saw how I felt and sat in silence.

It was weird, considering Steven as a great story teller. He always said something nice.

„Do you have any new story. I don't want to just sit here. Tell me something."

„Okay, but you probably know this one. There is a book series named after you."

I heard something about that. But I just didn't have time to find something about it.

„There's a guy, well, there was a guy, who wrote three or four books with character Alex Casey. Pretty cool, huh? Yeah, he went missing, and the fans were a bit angry about the ending. But as far as I can tell, the books were good."

Well, my name appeared in news papers from time to time, so why not. The writer probably took it from there.


We stopped next to Mercedeses, BMWs, Range Rovers and limusines. Steves's car couldn't stand a chance. Old Saab doing his best to stay alive was retro these days.

The courthouse was bigger than I thought it would be. White walls, marble colums, shiny railings and two hundread stairs heading to huge windows that filled the hall with evening sun.

„It's gorgeous." Steve whispered in agony of overwhelming beautiness.

„It is, but I hope I see it for the last time."

„Don't worry. We will get out of here soon."

As we walked through the corridors, the jury already entered the court room and sat down.

„Alex, nothing against you, but could you look at yourself in the mirror, we don't people to think officers can't even watch their face."

I turned and headed to bathroom. It was indeed bad. Splash of water fixed the issue and I went back to Steve.

„One more thing before you go in there."


„You are a detective Al. One of the best. Don't forget about that."

That made me smile. He always knew what to say.


The process was hilarious. Someone wanted to set me free, or put in prison, sent to another city or discharge from duty.

They twisted the events and made them to seem like I was not doing my job. Running towards gas station was deserting from police, beating up three guys in the hangar was police brutality and the trip through canals was an excuse from working.

Stupid idiots. Only one thing was clear. Fourteen people died. They were criminals (yes, the cashier and his assistans were found guilty from dealing drugs, at least something moved in the case), but the jury thought I didn't succed as a detective.


„Alright gentlemen, let's take a coffe break, shall we."

The judge seemed like my savier. I had to talk to Steve and John, there was last piece of puzzle to solve.

Again, I entered the beautiful marbel rooms and found Steve with John discussing.

„What about the negotiator?"

They both looked at me like I just fell from skies.

„What negotiator? There was nobody like that."

Steve had no clue, but John looked interested.

„What'o mean?"

„When I was riding to 86th street, radio informed that he's coming."

No, they knew nothing. Who told me that last night? I didn't recognize the voice behind the radio.

„John, who was in charge last night?"

„Oh, you mean Tony? He's new. He took the job last week."

Something wrong was happening. First the useless court with no evidence about me, then the radioman.

„We need to talk to him."

The jury's only opportunity to convict me was with the fact iI ran to the gas station.

Well, I tried to save the assistent, but nobody saw the robber's attempt to kill him. Proving that no negotiator was coming would solve why I had to step in.

The time ran out. I drank my coffee and sat back in the court room. Meanwhile John drove to Tony's place. My only chance of getting out of this and and start working again was him. I hope he'll be on our side. be continued

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