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✧˚ · .  Hii, can I ask for a painting date with Jeanbo X reader on his birthday please??

summary : two artists being each other's muses.

warnings : maybe writing inconsistencies (?) not proofread. 

a/n: thank you so much for this request!!! i loved writing it <3 soft jean supremacy i love this man (he's lines on a screen). ofcourse i made a playlist for this. this is nothing but pure pure fluff and alot of smiley jean :) 

art creds : @/koidezuu on twt!

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you exhaled nervously, checking the front camera of your phone to make sure that you looked just as you wanted to, putting all of your faith in your other hand to clutch both the bouquet of flowers, and the actual gift you had made for jean - a bracelet strung with a charm he had eyed at a thrift store, and some pretty beads.

seeing that everything was set, you knocked on his front door and waited for him to answer.

April 7th, your beloved's birthday. you only hoped that your birthday gift to him made him feel just as special as he made you feel everyday. he deserved to be pampered too, especially on this day.

you had called him as midnight struck last night, pouring all your love into the biggest and brightest "happy birthday, jean!" you could muster, which turned out to be loud enough to wake up your roommate. it was worth it, though, because his laugh lit up the entire screen despite it's pre-set brightness. the two of you talked till about 2 a.m., and you informed him to be ready the next day for a special date.

you had everything prepared : booking an art studio - which you had saved plenty for - a month in advance, making sure everything was all set up; the canvases, the paints, aprons, and charcoals (jean's favorite medium to work with.) you decorated it aptly with the help of sasha, who stole some of the cupcakes you had also made for jean as compensation. after this elaborate date, you'd drive him home, where he'd be greeted with the rest of his friends for a surprise birthday party, which you had also planned.

he deserved this. he deserved so much more than this, but for now, this would have to do. jean kirstein, resident asshole up until a couple years ago, somehow softened over time, and somehow also fell in love with you as you did with him not long before.

you hoped everything would go according to plan. jean took his lovesickness in pride, never missing out on an opportunity to spoil you, and you wanted to return the favor tenfold.

you knocked on the door, adjusting the objects in your hands, shaking your head to rid all the anxious thoughts.

a terrible effort, because jean rid them for you as soon as he opened the door.

your heart could burst out of your chest, and you could barely control the expression on your face as you broke into a wide smile.

he was dressed in his best color; sage green. the hoodie fell just above his belly button, and it was clear that he cropped it himself. impulsively, as he did most things, but it somehow came out not as bad as you'd think. the sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, and there was a small embroidered star on the right side of his chest. he wore a hat that you had given him, yet another impulsive buy. the matching hat of the two currently hung behind your door. his fingers were adorned with metal bands, some plain and some with a pop of blue in them that matched the color of his jeans.

clementines. 🍂 a jean kirstein collectionWhere stories live. Discover now