like the movies.

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✧˚ · . Hi there! Saw your drabble prompts, and if I may, could I request one for Jean Kirstein using the prompts 2 and 5?

summary : Jean's niece is a sweet handful. thankfully, jean has an extra pair of arms to help him.

prompts : (2) "you do have a stupid face" & (5) "in really do love you."

a/n : hi! again, so sorry for replying so late :/ i didn't know what genre you wanted this to go to, so i decided for fluff :D hope you like it anon! thank you for requesting <3

! i dont know the credits to the art in the middle so please lmk if you do so i can credit them!! 

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the weekend could've gone way better than it was going right now - Armin had invited you and jean to the beach as a double date with him and Annie - but no, instead you and jean decided to take on babysitting duties for jean's niece. it was a nice offer from Armin, one that you were currently mourning, but you were also looking forward to babysitting Sophia.

jean wasn't. he whined and begged for you to reconsider, saying that even if he loved Sophia with all his heart, he'd much rather relax and take a swim in the ocean than clean up after a toddler's mess.

but, here he was, cleaning up after a toddler's mess, as the said toddler clung onto his calf, rendering jean's leg useless.

jean sighed, "can you please not treat me like a tree?" he asked, trying to pry Sophia's hands from their death grip on his leg.

she giggled and shook her head, like she knew what she was doing to her uncle.

you tried not to smile at his state, biting back a laugh that would match that of Sophia. jean noticed, because of course he did, and let out an exasperated sigh, rolling his head back. you were sure he said "not you too," but you ignored it, letting a laugh escape from your lips.

taking pity on him, you clapped your hands together, rubbing them as you spoke, "who wants to build a blanket fort?"

the question seemed to get a reaction from Sophia, as she immediately separated herself from jean and made her way towards you, opting to stick to your legs instead. 

you smiled as she chanted "me!" over and over again, scooping her up in your arms. she fit right in your embrace. you straddled her on your hips, and she made herself comfortable against you, resting her head on your shoulder. Julie had warned you as such, that her daughter was affectionate by nature, and seeing as though she somehow immediately took a liking to you, you were no exception to her personality.

you combed your hand through the top of her head, smoothing out her blonde hair; something she took after her father. jean walked towards you with her favorite stuffed toy in hand - a red and white stripped sock bunny that jeans mother had made for her, adorned with a pink scarf and a cute buttoned nose.

"how is it that you like them more than me?" jean asks, but he has a small smile playing at his lips. it's a teasing question, one that Sophia knows too well. she smiles sweetly, lifting her head up to look at him.

"they have a nice face," she says, and while her tone and smile are innocent, her body posseses the type of pride that only the Kirstein siblings have. you guess its genetic as you adjust her on your hip so she sits more comfortably, smiling. you look at jean too, brows raised in a challenge as well, showing him the satisfying win of having his niece on your side.

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