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Dear diary,

I don't know why but ever since i was a little kid my mom has always been off with emotions, like she was hiding something. I tried asking her about it but she never told me why. I switched schools lately because my mom said a private school has better teachers and i didn't like it there anyway so why not! Today was my first day there and i was hella nervous, i joined there mid semester so everyone probably had friendgroups, maybe i wont fit in, maybe they don't like me. I hope i find someone who is nice there because in teenage movies there is always that one girl who doesn't fit in AT ALL.

I already packed my bags so i can sleep in a little before i have to go. It's a boarding school so i had to pick loads. "AVERY WE HAVE TO GO OTHERWISE YOU'L BE LATE ON YOUR FIRST DAY" my mom yelled from the stairs. "I HAVE TO FINISH MY MAKE-UP I'LL BE DOWN IN A SEC!". Sometimes she can be SO dramatic. Anyway we don't want to upset the dramatic mom who is never on time, so see you soon i'll tell you all about my first day tonight if i don't have LOADS of homework 

love you ♥👋

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