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Dear diary,

So we HAD many homework, it's not fair it's been only my first day and i already have homework for ALL the subjects. But let's get to the point, something crazy happened and i just had to tell you because i didn't make any friends yet (IT'S HARD OKEAY). So after i walked thru the school gate (the school is massive) i headed to the reception, someone was already there rattling to the receptionist about her vacation in Thailand (yes i've eavesdropped). So after that girl finally disappeared the receptionist called me Indigo and asked me how my vacation was, so weird. So i said that i thought she was confused and that my name was Avery (i said that polite don't worry). and she excused herself and asked what i wanted so i asked my class schedule  and she quickly printed it. Now i can't sleep and keep wondering why she called me Indigo. but tomorrow i have class, it's really late and i still have to finish maths so i guess i gotta go.

See you tomorrow,

love ya❤

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