13.0 | Name

394 20 11

And I remember everyday that i've spent with you
The look you had upon your face
When I said goodbye
I don't know why I let you go
But I was young and dumb


"Nagi~ Are you done?"


Reo pushed his hair back with a sigh. He knew that all those nagging would never got inside that albino head but he still took the effort to gave him some scolding. Still, going back through their routines these days he kinda understand why Nagi had been exhausted to the core.

They were given some time off after the first selection. Their stratum ended their trial earlier while currently the others were finishing theirs. Ego had dropped them a tonne of work out routine to fill their schedules and whoever didn't follow may face an unknown consequences that nobody wanted to know.

"Reo? Didn't you finished showering earlier?".

"Yeah but not Nagi"

Zantetsu entered while brushing his teeth. His hair was still down from the shower and dripping violently onto his towel hanging around his neck. He usually brush his teeth first before a bath but the exhaustation also got him when he accidentally fell asleep while waiting his turn.

"Heh fwell ashleep ag-wein?". Zantetsu asked while continuing brushing. The foam was dripping down his hand without he realising them.

"Most likely ". Reo sighed again together with his iconis mom posed. Hand on hip and so done with life expression. "Also don't talk while brushing. That's disgusting". Never forgetting the mother's tone too.

The latter obeyed easily, moving to the nearest sink to clean up his mess. Reo meanwhile shamelessly pushed aside the curtains for Nagi's stall. As he expected, the big striker indeed was sleeping inside with his practice clothes on.

"Zantetsu could you help me get Nagi's sweats in his locker?" Reo folded his sleeves up above his elbows.

"Alwright. Whait".

"Are you gurgling and talking in the same time?" His popped his head from behind the curtain. His hand was testing the water temperature. "You gonna choke like that".

However, the scolding was answered with silence. Zantetsu already went to their locker room leaving him with Nagi alone. Reo left a sigh and turned his head back to the sleeping figure.

" Aight Reo, you can do this".

He started by taking off the bip from Nagi's body suit. Then the compressed top and later the bottom. The albino currently completely exposed to the younger.

"Oh God.. Spare me please".

Reo quick to turn his body while being a blushing mess. He swore he could see that bling bling flowery shoujo effect from the finely sculptured teen infront of him.

" Wait should I remove the boxer-"

Instictively, he brought his sight to a certain v area. His already flushed self went even redder when he accidentaly traced the outlined shorts his friend was wearing.

"REO GET YOURSELF TOGETHER! " we know Reo, we know. He is too tall for average asian teen after all. "Wait does this mean I would be bottom? But Nagi must be too lazy for that? ? But what if??! ".

Hate to break you but why do you even consider that you two would be together?

" Shut up narrator!! "


"Hmm.. Reo? ".

Amidst the (bi) panick Reo was having, his noises woke up the snow white in slumber. Nagi silver eyes blinked several times followed by his big yawn. He tried to rub the sleepiness off just to notice he was out of his practice clothes.

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