chap 2 - Hangout

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Y/n's pov:

I wake up to my phones alarm going off "mgh...morning already?" I sit up and let out a deep yawn then I turn off my alarm and check the time "9:00am, not to bad" I get out of bed and I gather some clothes for the day and I go get a towel and I take a nice warm shower. After my shower I get myself dried and dressed "I wonder when my parents got home" I exit my room and go down and see my parents up and having breakfast already "hey sweetie" my mother greets me with a smile and a plate of pancakes in her hands. She places them down on the table and gestures me to sit and I do so "hope you like them, their your favourite" She then starts polishing the counter tops. 'She's in quite a good mood today' I thought to myself. I looked over at my dad who is reading todays newspaper while drinking a cup of coffee "so how did you cope being home alone?" my mother asks as she finishes polishing the counter tops. "oh I was fine, I just hung around my room mostly" I replied while starting to eat my pancakes "did you study like we asked you to do?" my father says not looking up from the newspaper, 'shit. I forgot' I think to myself 'time to lie' "yes of course I did" I say quickly and continue eating my food.


After two days it is finally Friday "I can't wait" you say to yourself as you sort out a outfit to wear. After some browsing you settle on a hoodie and jeans cause its the most comfortable thing you own and it's not like there is a dress code or anything (lol), once your ready you go to your parents who are in the living room watching a movie "hey is it okay that I go to -friend's- house? we are working on a school project.." you say with much confidence to sound more believable "okay but be back before dark, and stay safe" your mother says with a smile, your father just nods. "okay thank you I'll see you later!" you say cheerfully then you leave the house. After a 15 minute walk you arrive at Simon's place and you buzz his door number (he lives in a flat) and after a few seconds he answers it. "hello?" you hear Simon's voice from the metal speaker on the wall "hey Simon it's me" you say confirming to him who you are "oh right! come on in." Simon then presses the button that unlocks the front door and you walk right on in and head up to the third floor and you see him standing outside his door waiting "hey Simon" you say walking up to him "hey Y/n, I'm glad you could make it :) I have everything set up inside for us" Simon then enters his home inviting you in. As you walk inside you look around 'wow he actually cleaned his place..' you think to yourself, normally Simon's place is messy with clothes being wherever and empty cans of juice laying around but surprisingly you don't see any of that, he actually has done a decent job "so what do you want to do?" you ask making your way to to the small living room where you plop yourself on the sofa treating his place like your own just as he does. "I was thinking we could have snacks and just watch some movies" Simon says sitting down beside you. On the coffee table in front of you both there sits bottles of fizzy drinks and snacks like crisps, sweets, chocolates and more "wow Simon your actually pretty thoughtful" you say smiling "oh? am I not normally?" Simon asks sarcastically. "hey I didn't say that" you say sternly but then let out a slight chuckle "don't worry after today I will go back to my usual asshole self" Simon reaches for the remote and he turns the telly on and goes to Netflix and looks through some movies. After a few minutes you both settle on something and begin watching


A few hours pass and you wake up. You ended up falling asleep next to Simon "oh crap!" you shoot up and see that Simon also fell asleep and oh boy can he sleep "wake up!" you begin shaking Simon and after a few shakes he is wide awake and automatically stands up seemingly on high alert "what!? something happen!?" Simon says in a flash of panic "what? no, we fell asleep" Simon looks at you then begins laughing "oh no how terrible" he says in a sarcastic voice "no I mean- what time is it?" you let out a sigh as Simon takes out his phone and turns it on "it's 7pm." Simon says putting his phone away. "7!? that means it's dark! my parents are going to kill meee!" you begin to panic and just as you do you feel two hands on your shoulders "hey calm down. it's not like you'll die" Simon stands in front of you with his hands on each of your shoulders trying to calm you down. "the worst thing that could happen is a bit of grounding witch you gotta admit is kinda funny. stop stressing, come on I'll walk you home" Simon smiles slightly at you for just a second then he heads to the door and unlocks it and opens it.


Simon's pov:

About 10 minutes in to the movie I feel something agenst me and I turn to see that Y/n has fallen asleep "typical.." I sigh and continue watching the movie then I as well fall asleep. Suddenly I'm awoken by someone shaking me witch I realise is Y/n "what!? something happen!?" I say as my body goes in to some what of a auto mode and I get up. Once Y/n explains what's happened I couldn't help but laugh "oh no how terrible" I say sarcastically, Y/n has worried over silly things before but this? this is just funny. After I finish laughing Y/n asks for the time so I bring out my phone "it's 7pm." once I say that I notice Y/n's face show pure panic then they start rambling over how their parents will 'kill' them. Normally I'd find this funny but I don't, I don't like seeing Y/n get so worked up especially over something as little as this. I sigh and then put my hands on their shoulders in a attempt to calm them down "hey calm down. it's not like you'll die" I try to sound as reassuring as possible "the worst thing that could happen is a bit of grounding witch you gotta admit is kinda funny." I smile slightly then head to the door and unlock it then open it "stop stressing, come on I'll walk you home"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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