chap 1 - Again?

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Y/n sits on their bed enjoying the free time they have, their parents are currently away at a work party so they have the house to themselves for few hours at least. Just as Y/n was about to take a nap their phone buzzes "who could that be?" they ask themselves as they sit up and pick up their phone. It's a message from Simon 'hey Y/n. can I crash at your place for a couple hours? need some company.' this isn't out of the ordinary for Simon, he tends to come over mainly during late hours of the night when Y/n's parents are fast asleep. 'sure I'll leave the door open for you.' Y/n gets up and heads downstairs to the front door and unlocks it then they go to the kitchen for a glass of water, about 15 minutes later Y/n hears the door open and close again "Y/n? I'm here." Simon says as he makes his way to the living room and plopping himself on the sofa "hey Simon" Y/n says happily from the kitchen. They exit the kitchen and walk in to the living room where Simon has already made himself comfortable "so what happened this time?" Y/n asks, crossing their arms below their chest "nothing just felt lonely" Simon claims. Y/n then notices bandages on Simons hands that have a little bit of soaked blood on it "if nothing happened then what is that?" Y/n asks pointing towards Simon's hands. "oh uh that's nothing don't worry about it." Simon moves his sleeves over his hands. "Simon, I have known you since we were kids I can tell when you are lying. what happened?" Y/n sits next to Simon and puts a hand on his shoulder reassuringly "you know you can tell me anything that is on your mind, I'm here for you Simon." Y/n then gives him a comforting smile causing a sigh out of Simon "It's nothing serious. I just got a bit angry" Simon looks down at his hands then he slowly reveals them fully showing his bloodied knuckles and the bandages look...old. and dirty "goddamnit Simon." Y/n sighs and gets up and leaves the living room and soon they return with a first aid kit in hand "no no, you don't have to do anything Y/n it'll heal." Simon has always been a stubborn boy. Always refusing even the littlest bit of help, but Y/n also shares the same amount of stubbornness as him "no. you haven't even cleaned it, you'll get an infection if you keep it like that" after a bit of back and fourth Simon caves and holds out one of his hands for Y/n to aid. Y/n sits down and places the first aid kid on their lap and slowly and gently they unwrap the bandage from Simon's hand revealing the wound, it's not to bad that he needs the hospital but it has bled and bruised quite a bit "okay this will sting but it will help avoid infection" Y/n drips a bit of alcohol on to a small ball of cotton  and gently dabs it on to the wound to clean it up, this causes Simon to flinch and groan but he surprisingly keeps himself contained. Once his wound is clean Y/n cleans the blood off and then wraps a new bandage around his hand then they do the same treatment to the  other hand, once that is all done Simon looks at his hands for a moment then looks at you "thank you." he says semi quietly, he seems embarrassed that he needed help in the first place "no worries Simon, please at least try to take better care of yourself, and stop punching  shit" Y/n then laughs a little and Simon looks confused "I didn't tell you what happened, how do you know I punched anything?" Y/n couldn't help but giggle a bit at Simon's confusion "c'mon Simon. I wasn't born yesterday your wound says it all and I know what your like when angry" Simon's cheeks go a little red with embarrassment and he looks down "right..anyway, want to watch a movie? I'm board" Simon sits back on the sofa crossing one leg over the other and placing his elbows on each side of him on the top of the sofa "sure thing" Y/n grabs the remote and turns the tv on and for the next 3 hours you both watch some movies you both really like.


The time sits at 1:45am and you both finish your third movie of the night "I think you should head home now Simon, my parents said they'd be back by 2am at the latest" Y/n gets up and stretches and Simon sighs "okay that's fine, hey want to come over to mine on Friday? I can get us some snacks and drinks to enjoy along with some movies" Y/n smiles softly and they nod their head "of course! sounds like fun, I'll just let my friend know and tell my parents I'm going to theirs." Simon smiles and you both head to the front door and Y/n opens the door for Simon showing him out "cya Friday Y/n" Simon and Y/n wave each other goodbye then Simon walks away home. Y/n shuts the door then locks it and takes the key out to their parents can let themselves in then Y/n heads upstairs to their bedroom and collapses on to their bed.

Y/n's pov:

Once Simon leaves I close the door and lock it but take they key out so my parents can let themselves in so I don't have to. I make my way up the mountain worth of stairs and I enter my cosy bedroom and collapse on to my bed right away and i go on to my phone and start watching some random YouTube videos 'I wish Simon could have stayed longer but this is the cons of having strict parents' I think to myself. My parents have always disliked Simon since we both turned in to teens, 'he's to reckless' 'he is a bad influence' 'you need better friends' it's all the same crap. They just don't like the fact I enjoy someone else's company that's not their own. Luckily they trust my other friend even though they are worse than Simon, they just hide it very well. The only thing my parents care about is my grades, if I get anything below an A even an A- I get grounded and have to study for hours on end till I know the whole subject by memory. It sucks it really does but despite all that I do love my parents and they are nice people most of the time.. 


After awhile Y/n turns off their phone and puts it down then they get changed in to some comfy pj's and brush their teeth then they get covered up in bed and soon fall fast asleep.

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