Chapter 3: Love to Hate

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"Well, why don't we all go to the cafeteria? I'm starving." Oliver says with a sigh of relief as the three crown princes of the kingdom left.

"I agree. It's lunchtime already." Misha says as she walks next to Rae as the four of them headed towards the cafeteria.

The two boys were already ahead of the two girls as they stopped on their tracks when they heard a thud behind them.

Laughter can be heard from the back as the boys hear the familiar snickering of brats.

"R-Rae! Are you alright?" Misha frantically says as she knelt down to assist her best friend.

"You're in my way, stupid commoner! When will you ever learn your lesson?"

The familiar bratty and obnoxious tone of the one they call Claire François says in a boastful stance, her flunkies joining in on their mini triumph of some sorts.

Reggie sighed heavily as he turned around and saw the blonde noble girl. But before he could say anything, he immediately rushed towards his sister and helped her get up.

"Listen here, Guinevere-"

"You guys, I'm fine! It's just Miss Claire's way of showing her affection! Isn't that right, Miss Claire~?" Rae speaks confidently despite being pushed around by her the obnoxious noble girl.

Claire couldn't keep a straight face as she blushes at the sheer confidence this commoner girl has that made her all flustered.

Reggie was proud to see his sister never faltered even with all the bullying she's experienced from the noble girl thus far.

"W-Whatever, s-stupid commoner! This is the last time you make me feel this way!" Claire says as she shouts.

"I'll make sure to make you submit to me. Then, you'll learn his lesson." She's whispers in a threatening and commanding tone which only made Rae more than happy than she already is.

"I would love to! You know, you don't have to hold back! So if you wanna step on me harder, then do what you must, Claire-sama~!"

Everyone including Claire's flunkies were all caught off guard by what Rae Taylor said.

"YOU....really are resilient, aren't you? Just WHO do you think you are?!"

Claire desperately tried to get the upper hand in this situation but ultimately failed after being flustered for the third time.

"Urgh! I will not stand for such impertinence!"

Claire says as she pouts and yells at the commoner girl, leaving Rae to be more infatuated with her than ever.

"Pipi, Loretta. Let us go." Claire says with her face as red as a tomato and storms off towards the cafeteria, not even caring if Rae had something to say.

"I'll see you later, Miss Claire! It was lovely chatting with you~!"

Despite being mistreated by the noble girl, Rae Taylor doesn't give up so easily. She still keeps a positive and cheerful tone in her voice as she waved goodbye towards the other girl in her class, who didn't even bother looking back.

The four commoner students of Royal Academy all head towards the cafeteria. Other students, both commoner and noble alike, have already filled the busy mess hall.

When they all found a table and sat, the girl with long silver hair, Misha Jur, was the first one to speak.

"Honestly, Rae. What were you thinking? And right after the school year started too..." She sighs and looks down on the table.

"Yeah, Misha's right, Rae. It's no surprise that noble girl got her eye on you now." The short brown-haired boy with glasses, Oliver Garde, adds as they all huddled on the table at the cafeteria.

"Look, you guys. I'm sure that vile woman was just trying to make face. You know how "popular girls" are, right sis?"

Reggie said as he looked at his sister, who already has something in her mind.

"Well, you all have a point there but it's more like the other way around." Rae says to her brother and friends.

"What do you mean, sis?" Reggie asks, a little bit confused by what his sister is referring to.

"I mean it's most likely me trying to get her eyes only on me~" Rae smirks as she nudges her brother on the shoulder.

"Well, as your best friend and roommate, and on behalf of your brother and Oliver, we all have to warn you about that girl."

"Yeah, it's best if you don't get involved with the likes of her. You know what she's like, especially to commoners like us." Oliver says as he agrees with Misha.

"What about you, Reggie? As her older twin brother, you should also discourage Rae for meddling with Miss Claire. Don't you think so?" Misha says as she crossed her arms in front of her.

All eyes are now on the older twin (by five minutes) of the Taylor siblings, as they all wait for his response.

"Well...I can agree with you guys at first but knowing my sister Rae.." Reggie pauses as he looks at his sister, who's already giving her brother the puppy eyes.

"There's no stopping her and on top of that, Rae is very confident and headstrong in what she does. Don't you you guys think we should give her a chance to showcase it? Who knows? Claire might actually fall for her one day." Reggie says as he gives his sister the side eye.

Rae only sticks out her tongue to the side and giggles.

"Thanks for the compliment, bro. But it is true. I really do love Miss Claire." She says confidently.

"A self-absorbed princess like her?" Misha asks her best friend.

"Yeah! That cackling laugh, all the nasty deeds she does out of you're malice. Everything about her is right up my alley~!"

Rae says in a dreamy-like trance. Almost as if she has already surrendered her whole being to the love of her life, a kniving and treacherous woman to the yes of others.

Her two friends along with her brother, all sighed heavily as her brother volunteered first to get up followed one after the other and went in line to get their food.

"Hey, Reggie." Oliver says as he immediately followed his best friend in line for food at the cafeteria.

"Yeah? What is it, Oliver?"

Oliver gestured behind them as two of the princes of the kingdom were chatting with Rae and Misha at their table.

"I guess Rae has gotten more popular since we enrolled for the semester. I guess they really like her resilience and confidence against entitled brats like Claire François..."

Reggie imitates Claire's obnoxious and classy demeanor which made Oliver crack a laugh as they were in line for food at the cafeteria.

Reggie felt a cold shiver as he noticed that someone was staring at him from a mile away. It was none other than the blonde noble girl, her eyes piercing with a fiery gaze at the commoner boy.

"Whatever. If she's gonna mess with my sister, she's got another thing coming."

"You better not engage in combat with her like Misha said a while ago."

"Oh, don't worry! I got this. Trust me." Reggie says in a confident tone.

"Sure. I believe you, man." Oliver sighs as they move in line.

"Heh. What's the worst that could happen?"

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