Hazard Lights- Tata

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Y\N Pov

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Y\N Pov

Warning: Starvation, SH

Ive been feeling....down lately...like really down. My best friend died 4 days ago and in everyones words, 'ive been a train wreak ever since', problally because i saw it happen but couldnt do anything.....i almost died too but now....im just lonely. I havent been doing much except crying, sleeping or talking to my brother Kr, or my bf, Tata. Right now im curled up in my bed as the two try to get me to eat something, since i havent ate any food since. "Y

you have to eat ur gonna starve sis." Kr says trying to put the cracker in my mouth but i move my mouth away. "Baby please eat" Ta says but i refuse and turn over as the two sigh and walk out the room and start talking, i decide to listen. "We've tried everything, she wont eat" Ta says, worriedly. "What if we call Jenn, she loves Jenn" Kr says, it was true, Jenn was my favorite person in the whole wide world. The two come back in the room.  "If we call Jenn will you eat?" Kr ask hopefully as i think for a minute then nod. Ta quickly pulls out his phone and facetimes Jenn. "please please answer" Ta mumbles as Jen finally answers after the 3rd ring. "Hello?" "Shes not eating, she says if she talks to you she'll eat." "Okay put her on" "Jenn on the phone baby" Ta says handing the phone to me.

 "Why arent you eating mama?" Jenn asks me as i look away, "Because im not hung- girl. i know ur starving eat the food" Jenn cuts me off saying as i start to eat as the three's frowns turn to smiles as i keep devouring the food. A few minutes later Jenn hangs up which makes me sad then i see her walk throught the door. "Jenn!" "Hey mama i see u finished ur food" she says as i nod. "Can i have some more please?" I ask as Ta leaves the room to get me more food. "You look so much better, i have some good news for you though.." Jenn says making me look up at her, curious. "Ur best friend....isnt dead the hospital saved her right after you left but couldnt get ahold of you to tell you Mama" Jenn says as  i start smiling and jumping around all over the place being happy as hell. "Bae first we have to do something, go get the bottle out the bathroom an show them what you've been taking" Ta says making me frown and walk to the bathroom to find the percs ive been taking over the last few days. The only reason Ta knows because i almost overdosed on them 2 days ago. I walk in the bathroom and rummage through the cabinet to find my percs i grab them and walk out the bathroom, handing them to Kr with my head hung low.."Y

....you cant doo this to me...ur all i have..." Kr says hugging me tight. "Flush them" "B-but!-" "No buts flush them" Kr says as i dump them in the toilet, sneaking one in my mouth for now then flush them, feeling guilty keeping the one in my mouth, i spit it in the flushing toilet. "Good." Jenn says form behind me. "You wernt slick with it, im glad you flushed it" Jenn says making me hug her as she kisses my forehead. "Dont ever do that dumb shit again okay?" Jenn says as i nod, feeling kinda bad. "Lets go see ur bestie now"

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