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In the waiting room of a hospital, A Woman could be seen pacing around anxiously, constantly glancing towards the entrance as if expecting someone.

She immediately stood up at the sight of a white clothed male, She trotted towards him, looking at him with eager eyes trying to decipher his expression but it was futile granting the said male's expression was completely neutral. Before She could speak, the male who's obviously a doctor beat her to it.

"You're Mrs Choi right?." He inquired massaging his temple to relieve some stress.

"Yes Dr, how's my husband."

The young doctor sighed hating the news he was about to deliver but having no other choice but to do it, he proceeded"I'm sorry ma'am,we tried our best but we couldn't save him." He confessed rather grimly and left the waiting room immediately not wanting to see the look on the woman's face knowing very well that he won't be able to control his own sadness.

This was a part of his job he hated, delivering bad news to the patients family and relatives, that's the reason he swears to save every patient assigned to him, but unfortunately this one wasn't assigned to him, something unexpected considering the complications surrounding the patients case,he was suffering from a 'Cardiac tamponade' which isn't an easy case but such a complicated case was handed over to Dr Choi Beomgyu, while he assisted him,he hated the idiots gut.

Before he realized it, he's standing right in front of the elevator, pressing for a stop, he stepped into the elevator, sighing in relief when he found it empty. Immediately he stepped into the elevator, and pressing the button for the topmost floor, he couldn't stop his tears anymore and let it all out, picturing the man's cold face as he was pronounced Dead,no matter how many times he has witnessed such scenes in his five years of experience,he have never gotten used to the idea of pronouncing patients dead,he couldn't imagine the pain the deceased family and relatives has to go through.

Hearing the beeping alert of the elevator,he wiped his tears frantically. After making sure his face was distress free,he stepped out of the elevator and walked down the long corridor, opening his own office door which had his name written on a name plate and pasted right on it. It read'CARDIOTHORACIC SURGEON DR LEE FELIX YONGBOK'. A very heavy title with heavy responsibilities, he sighed.

Getting into his office,he sent for his assistant Dr Yang Jeogin.

He was snapped out of his thoughts by a knock on his door, with a quick'come in' his assistant was standing right in front of him.

"Sir, you called for me." The said assistant uttered walking towards the coffee maker at the inner lobby of the office.

"Right, wanted to ask you something." Dr Lee spoke up taking the coffee offered to him and ran his hand over the mug smiling when he read the words on it'Best Doctor Ever' a gift for his twenty eighth birthday from his medical team.

"Go ahead Sir." Sipping his own coffee, the assistant doctor signaled that he should continue even though he sought of know where the conversation's heading to.

Dr Lee sipped his coffee and smiled nodding towards Jeogin in approval,it was made to his liking, bitter and black, he hates bitter coffee but after every surgery he always take one because it calms him and helps him with stress.

"I was supposed to head the surgery of Mr Choi,so why the sudden change, it was headed by Dr Choi Beomgyu instead." He said taking another sip of his coffee.

Just as Jeogin expected"I have no idea Sir." He sighed noting the frustration laced with Dr Lee's words.

"That wasn't the only thing that's pissing me off, but the fact that I was made to assist him, everyone knows very well of his antagonism towards me, I had to be the one to break the news to the deceased family too, wasn't that supposed to be the work of the doctor heading the surgery, whenever I'm heading a surgery, I'm always the one to do that but even as an assisting surgeon that jerk still made me do it." He ran his hand through his hair in frustration.

"I've to get to the bottom of this." He continued thinking hard.

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