ch 8 \\ quarrel

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Empty plates from the cheesecake lied on the coffee table. The two sat around the living room, talking about their project while Senku gave comments from time to time.

Gen didn't know why he made Senku stay... He had already finished his part of the work, there wasn't that much for him to do.

But he knew that he wanted Senku to be around just a little while longer...

clack, a sound of a door being shut.

From the main entrance, revealed Gen's mother - Meiko, she turned and looked at the three students working on a project.

If Gen could describe her... it would be three simple words: kind yet subtle and cunning.

He always didn't understand his mother, no matter how much psychology books he had read. He could never know what his mother was thinking, but he always knew that his mother could react on either side of a coin.

"Hello children," Meiko smiled at them. "All of you are working hard, that's great!"

"Hello Mrs. Asagiri," Senku and Hina greeted the older woman.

"Don't let me disturb you," Meiko's tone turned into a loud whisper. "Carry on with your work. Are you guys staying around for dinner?"

The two men turned to Hina. Senku often hung around at Gen's house from time to time to the point where it didn't matter if he were to stay over. Even past midnight.

"I'm afraid I might have to go home soon Mrs. Asagiri," Hina smiled softly.

"Really?" Meiko's tone of voice turned mellow. "That's sad... if only you could stay longer."

"I'm very sorry," Hina apologized politely.

"It's fine," Meiko lightly laughed. "It'll be nice for you to hang out anytime, then you'd be able to try my specialty dishes."

"Then I'll make sure to come next time," Hina beamed.

The word 'anytime' rang about Gen's mind, he never saw his mother invite a stranger to come over their house at any time.


Gen closed the door behind him. He just walked Hina to the station and Senku had gone home, after much rebuttals that he should've joined them. However Senku won and he went home.

As the two teens walked along the street, Gen swore that it was a lot more silent than the time they were at his house. He found it awkward.

"Gen!" Meiko's voice rang across their home. "Dinner's ready."

He took off his shoes at the entrance and walked to the dining room. His father and mother sat, waiting for him. Meiko wore a pleasant smile on her face, it has been a while since he saw his mom smiling widely.

His father - Kenji turned to him as Gen sat down with them, "I heard you walked a girl home?"

"Uh... yeah,"

"What's her name?" Kenji asked.

"Hashimoto Hina, she's my classmate," Gen answered. "We got paired up along with Senku for a class project."

Kenji casted an intent look at his son, "Well?"

"Well what?"

"What do you think of her?"

"She's okay," Gen shrugged.

Kenji grew silent as heavy atmosphere surrounded the room. Meiko made attempts to relieve the mood which only made it worse.

"You're still not over with that boy, are you?"

Gen's eyes widened. His vision blurred. He suddenly found it slightly difficult to breathe.

"Honey," Meiko turned to her husband.

"We had to change locations because you couldn't even keep your disgusting, selfish fantasies all to yourself," Kenji continued, staring straight at his son who was avoiding his gaze. "You are an infection to this family."

Meiko attempted to stop her husband. Gen's breathing gradually became shallow. He could speak up but it all ends in the same way.

"You're not thinking of turning Ishigami's son into a lunatic," Kenji's voice grew louder. "Are you?"

"Kenji, stop it," Meiko grabbed a hold of her husband.

He had stopped talking. Gen stood up, his head still lowered.

"I lost my appetite," Gen whispered, loud enough for his parents to hear.

He walked out of the dining room.

Just as he was about to shut the door, Kenji's voice spoke one last time.

"No son of mine has an attitude like this."

The door shut.


Silent. Too silent.

Gen laid on his bed, eyes at the ceiling. The lights were off while the curtains provided the smallest glimpse of light.

His father's words echoed through the walls of his mind. This has happened often. Too often.

He should've gotten used to it by now...

But why does it still sting like venom?


If only it never happened...

If only he never hung out with him...

If only he never fell in love...

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