Chapter 3

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Pov Y/n

As though she was in a trance she just starred back at me with what I can guess being resistance and doubt in what she will say next. Being intrigued I decided I should try and push the matter further.

Y/n: "So are you one?"

She kept looking at me indifferent from before but her knowing that I already saw her ears yesterday she didn't see a point in trying to lie about it.

Ahri: "I am"

Knowing already the answer I wasn't really surprised and just continued the conversation casually without that much care.

Y/n: "Oh, that's cool."

For some reason she looked at me slightly shocked at my answer as if she expected something completely different instead of what I just said. Looking past her reaction I just decided to continue the conversation.

Y/n: "What type of vastaya are you?"

She looked even more conflicted as though this was going in a completely different direction than she thought it would go. I can probably guess why though. Luckily though she didn't ignore my question.

Ahri: "I'm a vulpine."

She told me in what i can see in a doubtful way.

Y/n: "That's cool, never met a vulpine before."

I said to her nonchalantly, making her shocked expression increase. She kept looking at me conflicted but it shortly died down and she started to relax. Deciding that it was enough on that subject I decided to move onto something different. 

Y/n: "Soooo, what's something fun to do around here?"

Ahri: "Umm, I don't know."

I gave her a confused look for her answer.

Y/n: "Guessing you don't really go out that much?"

Ahri: "No."

Understanding why that is I didn't pry that much and just started to focus on the class as the teacher finally arrived and took his spot upfront getting ready to give his lesson. 

Pov Ahri

That went better than what I was expecting, unlike most people that I met he actually doesn't care about what I am. Most of the time with my ability to sense emotions I can feel all the disgust that so many have towards me being a vastaya. But he's different from them, he treated me like I was anyone else and not as if I was something rotten. I can tell that he is genuine with being friendly towards me, but i shouldn't let my guard down so easily. I've went through too many similar situations before where they turned on me for no reason. 

I start to pay little attention to class while also trying to distract myself so the day can hopefully go by faster. 

Time skip

The class came to an end and deciding not to waste time I quickly packed up and headed towards the cafeteria so I can hopefully not get caught up into an encounter with someone. But sadly that didn't go as planned and when I was turning a corner I bumped into the three that were picking on me yesterday. When they noticed me they got an evil look in there eyes and knowing what's to come I tried to get past them quickly. Sadly I wasn't quick enough as one of them managed to get a hold of me. 

Crap 1: "Well what do we have here?"

They didn't waste time to get out of the public eye by pulling me into a storage closet and backing me up into a corner. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2024 ⏰

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