[ XXXVII ] Where Loyalties Lie

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It took every ounce of effort the Queen possessed to not go bolting from the room, to leave nothing standing until she found those she'd so foolishly allowed herself to be separated from. 

Her body quivers with the effort staying put causes her.

But she forces it, and watches Aeyliv's movements like a starved hawk as he makes for what remains of the bedroom door. 

There comes a pressure in her palm, and she looks down in time to see Quinn press the dagger once more between her fingertips. 

Elodie flinches, then allows her fingers to curve around its hilt.

A muttered, "Thank you," is all her pre-occupation can allow her before she has turned her gaze once again upon Aeyliv. 

As he sinks into the shadows of the doorway. 

Peers around it like he half expects to find shadows lurking on the other side, ready to pounce, fangs flashing.

But Aeyliv quickly beckons them forward, and its all Elodie can do to not take off running. 

The Prince of the Court of Crows leads the way, acting as something of a dam, holding back the wave of energy that was the two people following his footsteps. The Prince traverses the halls on near silent feet, weaving through corridors at a speed that spoke of familiarity.

Until Elodie begins to recall the surroundings as those she'd been lead through from the hospital wing to the bedroom. 

Memory guides her feet now, as does desperation as she presses on. Pace picking up as she rushes, shoulder to shoulder with the prince now.

Footsteps weighed down with exhaustion. 

Yet lightened with the knowledge that they might be caught at any minute. 

Until finally there is only a great set of oaken doors between herself and 1/3 of her targets.

The Prince moves forward, tries the doorknob with a bony hand, finds it to stick beneath his attempts to shove it open.

Quinn was already stepping forward, already readying a kick but doesn't get the chance.

For the Prince drops to his knee, and with a click and flash of small blades sets to work unlocking the door. 

Surprise after surprise, something at the back of her consciousness notes, fleetingly. 

Bites back the admiration that blossoms with the words, fortunately, distraction presents itself quickly enough as the door swings open.

To reveal Sam exactly where she'd left him.

If slightly more bruised.

The sight of her brightens Sam's features immensely, lighting up the room as easily as any lantern or torch. It's a relief that goes flooding through him, something that Elodie almost finds herself caught in the tide of it. 

A sentiment that has her own eyes stinging fiercely.

She allows the waves of it, that slight flicker of relief - the first in what feels like years, to wash over her. And follows the tide as it pulls her towards her best friend.

A wall of fire and the depths of Hell wouldn't have stopped Elodie from closing the distance then. 

She barely notices she's moved, until suddenly she is at her best friend's side. Dropping to her knees, sore joints ricocheting against the tile floor underfoot.

But all she could focus on was Sam.

"Gods Elodie," the Queen barely recognises his words. "I heard screaming," he darts his eyes toward the great window beside them, staring down into the courtyards below. "I tried to get to you... I thought... I thought the worst." His words are stammering, delirious with fear.

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