Chapter 30

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Although he faced much resistance from them, Blaise convinced Karina and Cherie to accept, instead of actual privacy, the illusion of it. His argument was that it simply wasn't practical for him to be out of hearing range, as Karina's spells of liberation were limited, and he needed to be aware in case her change back kick-started.

This was how he was able to claim the chair outside the bedroom door without one or both women closing and securing that door against him, and how he was able to listen in on their conversation with their full knowledge.

"He could convince a clock to run backwards if he wanted to," Karina said.

"Oh, I think he did," Cherie said. "Even with all the stress that comes with his life, he manages to look younger every time I see him."

"Careful, girl. Don't let him get a bigger head than he already has."

Blaise rolled his eyes when Karina laughed unchecked, and Cherie followed her lead with trepidation.

"You know, I've wanted to meet you for a while," Karina said. "Ever since the first time I heard him say your name."

The delicate sound of Cherie clearing her throat let him know she was nervous. "Have you two talked about me a lot?"

"No, which is how I know that you're important to him; the subject of you, he holds sacred. The time I heard your name was an accident. You see, Blaise doesn't usually fall asleep when I'm 'free', but there was one day when he was dead-tired, and I had the pleasure of watching my husband sleep. I don't get that privilege often."

Hearing the pain in Karina's voice made his heart ache.

"About thirty minutes in he started to smile, so I smiled too, guessing he was dreaming about music or me. But then he said your name."

"I'm sorry," Cherie responded.

"Don't be. I'm glad he found someone he could be happy with out there. I can't be present with him for more than a few hours, and the risk of being discovered restricts us. That isn't good for him, Cherie. He needs to have a real life."

Blaise gritted his teeth.

"Karina, I hear what you're saying, but I think you're underestimating your place in your husband's heart. He's committed to honoring you. He wants you to have the life that you were robbed of. And he always wants you to feel secure in his love."

Warmed by this accurate portrayal of his feelings, Blaise waited for Karina's response.

"You're right, and I'm a lucky woman to be cared about with such passion. That still creates problems, though, not just for him, but for me and you. I feel like I'm holding him back from living his life, and you can't tell me it doesn't hurt you to know that the man you fell in love with lied to you."

Guilt hit him in waves again. While he didn't want Karina to blame herself for his choices, and desired for her to feel like she deserved his every sacrifice, he'd also never wanted Cherie to get hurt.

"Cherie," Karina said gently. "I've been wondering how you're really doing. Not what you say when you're trying to appease Blaise but, how are you really doing? Are you okay?"

There was a pause that Blaise found too long for comfort, but in the end, Cherie said, "No. I'm not okay. When it comes to his life, I can't figure out where I fit in. Sure, we're good at creating together, we know how to be friendly, and I've told him our 'romance' is over, but the feelings don't die just because I'm pushing for distance. I'm worried that the lines will always be fuzzy."

"If Laurencia and I weren't in the picture . . . you'd feel differently, right?"

"Yes. But what-ifs don't change what is. Blaise has pre-existing commitments, and I'm focused on putting as much as I can into music. Playing my instruments is cathartic."

"Hmm," Karina said. "You share music with him in a way I never have."

"That doesn't change that you're artistic in a different field, though, and I know Blaise appreciates your work. His private gallery's devoted to you."

He tensed.

"A private galley?" Karina asked. "Of my work?"

"Yes, in a secret room at his complex. He's very particular about who sees your last paintings, so I was humbled when he showed me."

It got so quiet that Blaise became anxious for Karina's reaction, but then she carried on, telling Cherie of the relief from traumatic experiences she'd found in her art, so he hoped he wouldn't have to explain himself to her about the gallery later.

Lighter conversation topics reigned between the ladies until the inevitable fade in the connection.

"I have to talk to Blaise before I go," Karina said. "But I'm glad we got to do this."

"Me too," Cherie said.

There was another pause, during which Blaise imagined the two women were hugging, and then there were whispers. He shook his head, a begrudging smile on his face, as he reflected that they'd found a way to keep a secret from him after all.

Not longer after, Cherie hurried to wish him good night and urged him to go to Karina.

He wished he could get a better read on her state of mind, but that didn't stop his rush to Karina's side.

Drawing his wife close to him, he asked what she was thinking.

"I just have two questions," she said.

"What's the first one?"

"Why aren't people seeing my last works? They're my best. I want them on display."

Flinching at her use of the past tense, Blaise played with strands of her hair. "I haven't let anyone see them because, if I can't get you back, they'll be the only things I have left of you that I don't have to share with others. But since I'm not giving up on getting you back, I'll make you a deal, schatzi. You can do whatever you want with your paintings once you return. Now, ask me the second question."

She laid her head on his chest. "Let me start by saying this: While I know that you love me, you also love the woman who just left. And the energy you're putting into fighting to keep me, when I may never be free, is energy you could be spending on creating a future with her. So, my second question is, how much are you willing to pay for a dream?"


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