5 : Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint

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**Got some inspiration from this tiktok video for the future chapters. Honestly cried a little. I promise to make you cry too. Don't worry.

"Have you made any friends?"

"....They ran away from me..."

"Me too..."

"I wonder why...."


Sniff sniff


"...Why are you crying?"

"N-nothing... It's just this novel... Your childhood is so sad!!!"

You cried tears of waterfall.

"......Have you finished reading it?"

You sniffled, wiped your tears, and nodded.

"Yeah, thanks for giving me permission to read about your life. It's really important to me"

Dokja chuckled.

"No problem. I know you're gonna read it anyway whether I let you or not. I can't even remember most of them anyway...."

He sighed and leaned back against the wall tiredly. He already took off his coat.

"It was not long ago when I wondered if there is an existence reading about me somewhere out there.... I guess it's true"

'Was this how they felt when they realized they were just characters in a novel?'

Kim Dokja chuckled.

You looked at the phone in your hands. It was currently on the final page of 'Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint'. Your eyes stayed on that last phrase at the bottom of the screen.

"This story is for just that one reader...."

You muttered under your breath and turned off your phone with a sigh. You stood up and stretched your sore body after reading for too long.

You recieved the phone with the web novel from the system as a reward for meeting Dokja, the main character of this world.

Good thing I learned how to use a phone when I was still imprisoned

You don't know how much time has passed since you started reading it because there's no clock here. You took occasional breaks in between the reading sessions and slept when you're too tired.

You also chatted with Dokja when you're bored. It was very relaxing.

However, now that you've read the whole novel so many times, you basically knew almost everything about him now, and looking at his current state, you're very worried about him.

You sat beside him and hugged your knees as you looked at him.

"Are you happy?"

At your question, Dokja turned towards you. It took a while for him to answer.

"I...Don't know... As long as they're happy, that's enough"

You sighed at his answer. You've spent a long time getting to know him, so you knew how he is. You became his only companion other than [The 4th Wall].

Unfortunately for him, his companions won't just stay still. They will arrive here in the future just to see a kid Dokja already losing his memories and himself.

You don't want him to disappear, it's just too sad, but he's the 'The Ancient Dream' or 'The Oldest Dream'. Even if you can save him, you knew the consequences would be too much for you to handle. You don't know how it'll affect your mission too.

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