Wait what!

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Harry's POV (flashback )

I sit with the test in front of me, waiting for the lats few minuets to pass by. My mother sat in the sitting room. My alarm buzzed from underneath my hand, I turn the test over and there sat two lines, PREGNANT! 

I let out a sob, my life is over. Every rushes through my head without a second to think about everything, I'm not ready to have a baby. Suddenly there is a knock on the door, "Baby, are you alright?" My mother asks. 

I get up from where I was sat on the floor and walk over to the door before unlocking it and falling into my mother's arms. "I'm sorry"I mutter to her, pulling back, I hand her the test. 

She has a shocked look on her face, "Harry, I'm not mad if that's what you think" She says, pulling me back into a hug. "Are you going to keep it?" 

"I'm not sure, this is a shock" I say, she nods before leading me to my bedroom. My revision all over the room, reminding me of every reason on why having a baby right now is not a good idea. "Should I tell Lou?" I ask, unsure of everything that comes from now. 

"I thick you should, he has a right to know so you have someone to help you if you decide to keep the baby because raising a baby isn't easy" My mother says and I nod. After  while of us discussing all of the options, I text Louis to come over.

"Harry, you said you needed to talk?" Louis says from where he is stood in the doorway of my room, I nod before patting my bed for him to come sit, he closes the door carefully and walks towards my bed.

"Louis, I-I'm Pregnant. I understand if you want to walk away because I'm scared Louis and I know we are young and I know you didn't want kids just yet but..." Louis cuts me off by grabbing my hands.

"Harry, we need to think about this carefully because having a baby means putting some of our life on hold and having to raise someone for over eighteen years, Harry we aren't even seventeen yet." Louis says and after a few hours he heads home. 

My phone pings 
I need time to think about this news, I'll be in touch soon x 

This message was followed up by 
No madder the choice that I decide in the end, I will always love you x

I re-read the message a bunch of times, tears slipping from my eyes. My mind convinced that he is no coming back, I wipe my eyes before heading downstairs to see Gemma sat with her boyfriend Ashton. "Harry, how are you?" Ashton asks, from his spot on the sofa. Gemma is laying just under his arm, a smile on her face. 

"Good, how have you been? Gemma isn't being her usual self is she?" I ask, giggling as he nods and 'I'm going to kill you' look is shot from Gemma. 

I head towards the Kitchen, my brain still going at a million miles per hour. "Harry, did you speak to him?" My mother asks, from where she is stood at the sink.

"Yeah, he said he needs to think on it. I don't think he's coming back" I say, trying to stop the tears from overflowing my eyes. 

"Well he will be stupid for walking away." She says pulling me into a hug, Gemma walks in and ruffles my curls.

"Wanna come watch a movie with me and Ash?" She asks, I shake my head before grabbing a drink

~ Time skip- 1 month

I arrive at the doctors, my belly still flat. My hormones all over the place and my thoughts going at a million miles per hour. "Mr Styles?" A woman shouts from the doorway, I feel my mother tap my shoulder as we walk towards the office.

"Okay, Mr styles I'm doctor Smith. I will be your OB/GYN throughout your pregnancy. "She says to me as I sit down, "Before we begin do you have any questions?"

"Have you ever treated anyone like Harry?" My mother asks while my eyes are trained to the floor. 

"Once, he was just a bit older than Harry when he came to me but his pregnancy was high risk, a lot higher than ever record before. We don't have much to go off for male pregnancies but we are going to do everything in our power to get through this safely" She says, a warm smile on her face. "Do you have any questions Harry?" 

"How high risk is it?" I ask, my hands beginning to tremble and sweat.

"Unfortunately, very high risk but with lots of care we should make it to the end." She states. 

I nod before we begin the process, "This will be cold" the jell arrives at my stomach, Watching the empty space to where my baby lays exciting me further and making me certain on my decision of going through with having the baby. 

"Harry, if you ever have any questions about having this baby, all you need to do is call up and ask. I'm always in the office and am always willing to answer if I can" She says, printing off the ultrasound photos. She hands me the photo, before scheduling another appointment and sending us on our way.

~(Sorry for all the skips)

I walk into class to see Louis sat with Liam and Zayn towards the back of the classroom, I face the ground and walk towards my best friend Niall. "Where have you been the last few days?" Niall asks, "We have a new teacher." 

"Sorry, haven't been well" I say, "a new teacher, who?" 

Just as I ask, the door opens revealing a tall man with darkish hair and some tattoos on  display, "Good morning students, for anyone who may have missed my first class with you all last week. I am Mr Grimshaw, I will be taking over from your last teacher and today we are going to do a project which you will work as partners." He says before going through the list of the partners. "Zayn and Liam, Niall and Amelia and Harry and Louis" He says.

My heart begins to race, the thought of having to talk with someone who doesn't want the child I am carrying doesn't settle me. After class, I walk up to Mr Grimshaw, "Sir, I was wondering if I could swap my partner, the lad you have put me with, well we don't get along right now" I say. 

"I'm sorry but I can not change your partners, everyone needs to learn how to act mature" 

Next chapter will be present day- 
Harry will be month 4

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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