Part One: Flash Season One

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(Gif description:// a dark, featureless, silhouette running through a Sandstorm; the image is blurry//: end description)

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(Gif description:// a dark, featureless, silhouette running through a Sandstorm; the image is blurry//: end description)



- " My name is Deserey Dunet and I'm the craziest mother fucker alive! "


- " Who doesn't trust umbrellas?? "

-" I developed something of a grudge the last time I was shot with one. "

-" Shot? With an umbrella? Wait. You said last time. Does that mean it's happened more than once? "


-" So this is how I die is it? Alone, abandoned by my wife? Left to starve to death in a cold, empty house? "

-" I'm going to the store, Darryl, calm the fuck down. "


Note: This is a rewrite of my fic Sandstorm. Because I can. She now starts out in team Flash instead of Legends. Also low key a Batman crossover. Again because I can. Batfam members will make guest appearances. If that makes you Batty then this may not be the fic for you, sorry not sorry.

It's said in the description but in case no one read that the beautiful cover was created by sparkle123tt so please give her the due credit for that ☺️

Also note that the chapters will be long. 7,000+ words probably. It is advisable to bring your attention span along lmao 😅

Trigger Warnings: I always add warnings above specific chapters for a reminder but I also add a warning in the beginning of the book just to make sure people see. So.

This book disccusses trauma and depression. There will be scenes that talk about suicidal tendencies and ideations. There will also be some graphic scenes of violence that may be disturbing to some readers.

Also note the use of fowl language and curse words.

Proceed with caution.

(Ps. Please be cautious of excessive use of dumb assery)

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