Local Bar pt3 Teaser

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So I know that I am taking an annoyingly long time to put out part 3 but I just want to make sure that it is absolutely PERFECT before I release it. I never thought that I would even be making a part 3 to any of the chapters in this imagines book but you all loved the other two parts so I'm going to give the SMALLEST teaser to it below.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She pondered as she softly wiped my tears off my cheek with one hand while the other ran through my hair.

Internal conflict arose as I began to question how she could be the sweet to a total stranger, the note the clothes the breakfast. How she just brought me into her home and let me sleep in her bed, wear her clothes use her shower. I looked up at her with a small sigh and nodded my head.

Let me know what you think! I'll try to put more effort into pushing the story to get done ASAP 🫡

Elizabeth Olsen ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now