21; How to Stay Skinny

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𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲, 𝐎𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟗𝐭𝐡
Jacin POV

There tends to be a big cliche around history teachers in high school. They are usually these untouchable, mysterious beings that have travelled the world, or maybe they're some type of retired jock that oversees the varsity football team and they teach on the side to burn time until the next big game.

That's not the case here at Wayzata High.

We're stuck with an old crooner, Mr. Wagner, that loves to talk about his model trains when he's not busy trying to get an hour-long documentary about the Cold War to play on YouTube. He's a very hands-off type of teacher.

I've already buzzed through the packet that we are supposed to complete in today's class period, so I'm doing what is asked of us as students and following up by reading a book.

By that, I mean I'm watching a video tutorial of how to complete a combination lift in ice dancing so I can get my head in the game for another practice tonight. I've gotten good at tucking my phone behind this hardcover copy of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

Almost as good as Mr. Wagner's way of babysitting us. He's so good at it that he can do it with his eyes closed and drool dripping down the side of his face as he snores.

I double-tap the screen to rewind a few seconds as the pair demonstrates the entry to the lift. Clarity tried to warn me about the technicalities and skills that came with this sport, but damn, I should've listened a little harder. Although, I refuse to drop her again, so I'll do whatever it takes to reach her level of expertise—even if that means reading subtitles and watching the hand placements in this tutorial like a hawk.

As I rewind again, a yellow notification bubble from Snapchat drops down from the top of the screen.

Hattie Rowland recently added to her story: watch now!

At the rate that chick posts on her Snapchat story, she might as well have a professional camera crew that follows her around. I tuned out these notifications a while ago. Honestly, there's not even a good reason why I'm still friends with her on any social media, other than the fact that she's the only way that I stay caught up on drama around this school because she shares about anything and everything.

I glance up to check out the situation on Wagner. He's still snoring in the chair behind his desk. Another quick scan of the clock on the wall tells me all that I need to know: there's only four minutes until the bell rings, so I have three minutes until Wagner's smartwatch buzzes to wake him up so he can bid us farewell.

Silently closing the book and adding it to my stack of textbooks for next class period, I rotate my phone and exit out of the internet. Off to the side, a handful of classmates are snickering and whispering behind their palms as they glance from their phones, up at me. One of them has the audacity to gasp.

I don't understand how piling up books is funny, except that's none of my business.

I swipe my fingers and pull up Snapchat, then find Hattie's profile. It's been a good run but I'll stay caught up with the drama in a different way. I've had enough of her bullshit for one lifetime. There's no reason to deal with more of it day after date.

As I try and open up her profile, the phone screen glitches and I give it a few futile taps in an attempt to revive it. Somewhere behind me, another girl mutters, "What the fuck?"

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