Airport Extraviganza - Chapter 1

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Zander absolutely hated the airport. He hated flying. He hated the snow. He hated this stupid ass trip.

They were boarding the plain to Quebec, Canada, where temperatures were frigid reaching lows like -17 degrees. Meanwhile their home in Rose Meadow never really had bad winters. at most they got an inch or two of snow and it rarely dipped below 30 degrees. So Zander made sure to pack his warmest sweaters and fuzziest socks.

"For gods sake Zander, stop being such an asshat!" Exclaimed his distressed sister, dragging her jam-packed backpack behind her.

Zander had his carry-on and his little sister, who covered her ears in discomfort as her siblings continued their screaming match that had been going on since they got to the airport.

"Well I wouldn't be an asshat if you-"

"Guys! Please stop arguing.." interrupted the drummer, whose arms were full with his own bag and Shannon's carry-on.

Zander and Hailey shared an annoyed look, neither saying a word at the request of their distressed friend and little sister.

"Luke, you can sit in the middle so I don't have to sit besides her." Zander said, squinting his eyes at his sister, rolling them as she stuck her tongue out at him.

Bethany groaned into Zander's shoulder. "Mmmmhf!! If you don't shut up I'll lick you!"

Zander rolled his eyes. "She started it by being a-"

Before Zander could get his sentence out, he was stopped abruptly by the feeling of his little sister licking the side of his face.

He practically dropped her, aggressively wiping the side of his face on his sleeve. "Eehehewww! What the hell is your problem!"

"Ow!! You're so mean!" Bethany said, wrapping her arms around Luke's leg, hoisting herself off the ground.

"Maybe don't lick me then?"

"If you kids don't stop arguing then you'll be staying in the lodge the entire trip!" Shannon exclaimed, picking Bethany up.

"I would rather stay in the lodge.." mumbled the pianist, no intentions of his mother hearing.

"Then you'll be forced outside all day!"

He groaned, stopping behind the drummer as they approached their gate.

"Everyone got your tickets ready?" Michael asked, attempting to lighten the mood.

The kids nodded in response, pulling their tickets out of their pockets to show the flight attendant at the gate.

Michael went first, then Hailey, then Zander, Luke, Bethany, and last Shannon.

The trio parted ways with their parents and younger sister, squeezing through the crowded plane in search of their seats. They eventually found them, Hailey filing in first, then Luke, and finally Zander, in the aisle seat.

That's what he and Hailey's fight had initially been about. They both wanted the window seat. In the end, Zander, being the gentlemen he is, decided to give his sister the good seat. Luke sat between them to avoid bickering.

"I'm so nervous.." Luke mumbled, fastening his seatbelt. Luke absolutely hated flying. He was scared of heights after all. He had been since he was a kid.

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