Off on a Bad Foot - Chapter 2

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Zander woke up this morning to see Luke practically pinning him against the bed. Well, not exactly. He was holding himself up with his left elbow, leaning over Zander, crossing his right arm to Zander's chest, shaking him awake.

Zander's heart was racing.

"It's too early for this shit.." he thought, rubbing his eyes to avoid eye contact with the drummer.

"Good morning sleepy head" Luke said, his hand still resting on Zander's chest.

Zander took the drummers hand, removing from him to avoid any awkward encounters. "What time is it?"

Luke chuckled, reaching to the side table behind him and grabbing his phone. "5. Remember your parents told me to wake you at five? Or were you already asleep?"

Zander shrugged. "I must've been asleep."

"They were planning on being ready by 6 so we could go to the dining hall and get some food from the breakfast buffet, then go back and change and be ready to skii by 7."

Zander sat up, leaning into the headboard. "Ngh.. I'm not even awake this early on school days."

Luke chuckled that sweet, gentle laugh with his perfect smile. Fucking perfect. Zander was sure he was going to pass out in that moment.

The view was perfect. And not the view of the glistening mountains that their windows looked out on. The sight of Luke, in an oversized hoodie, his eyes reflecting off the light from the moon, his bed head framing his face beautifully, laughing at a joke Zander made. He made Luke laugh.

The view of the mountains didn't begin to compare to the one beside Zander.

"I don't need to get ready for a while, it doesn't take me too long, so if you need the bathroom first go ahead." Luke said, recovering from the laughing fit Zander had caused.

Zander nodded. "I only need twenty minutes to get ready."

The drummer shrugged. "I know. I just wanted to talk to you."

Zander blushed, turning to face the drummer, praying he wouldn't notice the crimson spreading across his cheeks. "Oh? How come?"

"I got lonely after a while."

"When did you wake up?"

"Uhm.. around 3:30."

Zander chuckled. "I could never. If it were up to me I'd be asleep for at least 6 more hours. Couldn't sleep?"

"Guess not." Luke Replied, his phone screen lighting up his face. Zander watched as he clicked on one of the many notifications he'd received through Snapchat from his girlfriend. His stupid, perfect girlfriend. He read closely, his face dropping as he scanned the text over and over again.

He almost looked.. shocked? Hurt?

Zander couldn't tell, but he knew something was wrong, because after almost a minute of Luke silently staring at the screen, tears forming in his eyes, he handed the phone to Zander.

Zander couldn't fathom what he was reading.

He felt so guilty, because he was almost happy.

Stacy: hey Luke. I know your with Zander and Hailey on a trip right now but I can't do this anymore. You just don't make me happy. I'm sorry to do this to you over text but I can't wait any longer.
Stacy: I don't want to leave you hanging but I don't want to be a cheater. Im in love with Drew. He asked me to be his girlfriend the other day and I just couldn't say no.
Stacy: please don't text back bc I'm going to block you. I don't want drew getting jealous.
Stacy: if you're wondering why I chose him, it's because you are too repressive.

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