Chapter 1

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Just another day in this small town on the outskirts of Hollywood. Another hot day to add to that. God I wish summer would end.

I guess I can complain as it's better than the heat in Louisiana. Oh how I miss living there but...I can't go back. Even in this life. It's would be just to hard.

As I walks along the neighborhood people seem to be gossiping. It's a small town so nothing to do but gossip.

I just want to go home and relax. Sure it's Friday night and most people would go out. I just can't, what to really talk about? I'm already shy at it is.

Due to that most people just think you're strange or into strange things. The only two things I'm into is reading and baking. Nothing wrong with that.

I head to my office and sign into work. The offices filled with people as they talk to each other or on the phone.

Luckily I was in the back with this sweet old man that thinks of me as a daughter. I smile as I enter the file maintenance room.

"Good morning Mr. Robins! I made you my raisins muffins you like" I wave to him as I put my stuff on my desk.

"Oh Y/N you do know how to make this old man's day" Mr. Robins smiles as he hands me some files on the desk

"You know me I love to make and don't worry the muffins are low in sugar" I sit down as I look at the files.

And the whole day just goes like this. Sorting files, putting them away then small conversations with Mr.Robins. It's about closing time and we just ready to go home.

"y/N my offer still stands. My wife is maybe her meatloaf" he always inviting me to have dinner at his place.

"Thanks again but I do have some errands after work. I'll see you Monday" I smile as I wave goodbye.

After work I go to the bookstore and get the new Kate's romance book. Oh how I wander what this story will be like.

After 7 minutes of walking I bump into someone that makes me drop my book and the person I bumped into books drop.

"Oh gosh I'm so sorry." I quietly say as I help pick up the books. Great I have to talk to someone. Just say sorry and leave. That's all I gotta do.

"No it"

Getting up I see a very good looking black haired man with brown eyes. He's dressed very professionally. Maybe he works for a big office.

"Oh I'm sorry but I'm visiting for the day and I can't find towns TV station." He said was he runs the back of neck. Wow even his voice was nice to listen to.

Wait he is blushing? Maybe it's cause it's hot tonight.


Why did the station sent me to this shitty town? It all filled with old people and families. Where are the parties? Shit the next fucking two month being in this town is gonna be hell.

I was so deep in my thoughts I bumped into someone, making the books I brought with me fall. Shit! If this bitch ruins them I will make her pay for it!

I was gonna yell at her but when I hear her voice I stopped. Sure it was quiet but it was lovely. I watched her pick up all the books.

"No it ..fault" she looks up at me and I'm breathless. She's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. I swear I thought I seeing a fucking angel.

"Oh I'm sorry but I'm visiting for the day and I can't find towns TV station." I say as I feel embarrassed, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Oh well if you keel walking for two blocks then make a right it's the first building to the left" she smile as she explains. My heart feels like it's beating out of my chest. Fuck that smile is so cute!

The woman hands me my books. I slowly grab them as I'm starting at her like an idiot.

"I'm glad to help. I hope you have a goodnight." She smiles as she starts walking. I'm just in a daze still thinking about her smile. Took me 5 minutes to snap out of it.

Fuck she left! I didn't even ask for her name. What am I love sick teenager? I glance at my book and I see one do the books is not mine.

It has to be hers!

I open the book and there it is. She wrote her name! Y/N! Such a lovely name for a woman like that. And better yet the address of the book store!

I'm gonna see that woman again!

The TV's Host Shy Darling (Human Vox x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now