01. from the start

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"Don't you notice how, I get quiet when theres no one else around?"

Haze held an uncomforting silent gaze upon a certain white-haired male. Class was over by the sound of the bell, and only two students that took merely so long to pack up was left in the room alone.

"Me and you and awkward silence."

Nothing but the awkward silence and occasional rustling of bags opening and closing filled the entire classroom. Haze didn't like any of it, neither did he want to break the silence either because of how awkward he was. He liked the silence better anyway.

"Don't you dare look at me that way,"

Upon realizing his classmate Miko had been staring at him for a good hot second; He probably thought he was weird. He quickly averted his gaze somewhere else. Preferrably the window.

"I don't need reminders of how you don't feel the same."

The snowy-haired had already sautered out of the classroom snapping the flustered male from his trance. Leaving him in his own dust.. of reddish pink on his cheeks. Ouch.

"Oh, the burning pain..."

Once Haze has made his way out of first period, he saw the very same boy out and about in the halls of the chattering building of students. Accompanied by few of his friends, also known as Zayny and Yeonjun and some other.

"Listening to you harp on bout' some.. new soulmate."

He coincidentally overheard the conversation. Some words about some person, followed along with a "They're so perfect. blah, blah, blah..." that left Miko's lips. That somewhat irritated Haze in different ways, and shapes.

"Oh, how I wish.. you'd wake up one day, run to me, confess your love. Atleast just let me say.. that,"

Haze could only imagined what it'd be to be with his one and only. He just couldn't get a happy ending after all.

"When I talk to you,"

Whenever Miko and Haze engaged in an exchange of words; He'd always feel like butterflies bursted and did little flips in his stomach. Like Cupid had hit him hard on the chest with that damned arrow of theirs.

"Oh Cupid walks right through, and shoots an arrow through my heart."

The poor boy had stammered a bit when the snowy-haired student finished speaking and instead his tone laced with worry. "Are you okay?"

"Erm- Yeah! Doin' just fine. I think I just choked on my own saliva." He made up an excuse on the spot, atleast he was good with lies. And that was enough to maybe have half-convinced Miko. "Oookay..?"

"And I sound like a loon, but don't you feel it too? Confess I loved you from the start."


"What's a girl (boy) to do? Lying on my bed staring into the blue. Unrequited, terrifying."

Haze laid in his soft, comfortable bed engulfed in his deep thoughts. Recently, many thoughts have been stuck in his head. One thing stuck out the most out of them; Miko. Haze is just a lovesick boy, who'd been struck by the light-haired's unintentional charms.

"Love is driving me a bit insane.."

One thing Haze knew, he didn't have a single interest in love, or anything that included so called "romantic". Not of his taste.. Apparently as he thinks it's too cheesy or corny.

The only love he's familiar with is platonically. One he only received from close-friends. But why specifically him? He didn't understand about romantic love very well; Nor the point of it. So why is he so lovesick about this one person? It's driving him crazy.

"Have to get this off my chest, I'm telling you today."

To lift this big weight off his shoulders, he declared he'd confess this very day. Not that he's so confident he'd do it, he's well-aware of his state whenever he's around him. His mere presence just struck him like a cupid's arrow at his heart.

He left a note in Miko's locker that requested him to meet Haze at the school garden after class. The snowy-haired was skeptical about it, but went with it anyway.


Once the two met at the garden were they were meant to be at - Haze felt quite nervous, and lacked what seemed to be confidence that he prepared moments before.

"..Hey." His cat ears lowered, signaling his guard was down now.

Miko stepped closer, and observed their surroundings before giving a greeting back. "Sup?"

"Well.. Uh, fuck- H-how do I say this?" He tensed, struggling to find his own words. The atmosphere was so intense to him it was almost palpable.

He kept his composure and took a sharp breath, before finally looking up and meeting Miko's crimson red gaze.

"Firstly, you're a cool person, your personality and charm says it all.. And you're just really interesting to me- Yadah yadah yadah, all that stuff about you. Yeah, you're cool, handso- Uh, well overall awesome.." He said, proud he said all that without stuttering! Sorta.

Miko was almost flattered to hear all that. Though, he didn't keep up with his brief slip-up. He placed his hand on his nape and rubbed it lightly, eyes falling to the side now seeing flowers in his view.

"Yeah? Thanks, for that.. I guess." A small pink dusted him due to a small hint of embarrasment because of the compliments thrown at him. But now curiosity got to him, what else did this boy want to say? It seemed like he was holding back, rather just nervous.

"But.. What I came here to tell you is;.."

"When I talk to you, oh Cupid walks right through.. And shoots an arrow through my heart."

Miko was left a bit puzzled, he was a bit slow but quickly caught up on how the way Haze was practically pouring his feelings out to him. 'A confession..?!'

"And I sound like a loon, but dont you feel it too..?"

Haze felt his confidence slipping away, but the adrenaline rushing through him just couraged him further and he couldn't back down now.

"Confess, I loved you from the start.. Confess, I loved you- Just thinking of you.."

Now that confession was finally over, Haze didn't bother to wait for a response due to his flush of embarrasment washing over him. He didn't even mean to confess that much, let alone even just a few sentences.

"Ah, I- Shit, I confessed too much. I didn't even try t- Grh!" Haze threw a small fit in his head before his gaze landed on Miko once more. His skin turning 50 shades of red.

"Y-You know what? I can't deal with this, I'm too embarrased. Damn! Y-You don't have to reciprocate if you don't want to, I don't really care!" As if it was obvious enough, he was now stammering like a kid introducing themselves in front of the class. Miko was tense the whole confession, but Haze's quick run-off snapped him back to reality.

"D- Ah! Wait!" He was nowhere near insight anymore, faint grassy footsteps could be heard as it slowly died down to silence. To the point you could even hear fresh small-length grass sway in the garden, birds chirping in the air.

"I know I've loved you, from the start."

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