'my baby...' 2

13 4 6

[Mentions : animal death and abuse, child abuse, kitties and dead puppies]

Sal flinched again holy fuck travis is a mess! And a road kill..not right now! "TRAVIS HOLY HELL WTF HAPPENED TO YOU!"
"uh..the usual old man..gee he went far today..buttt look! A kitty!"travis exclaimed, Travis held the bloody black kitten it let out a small mew. Sals eyes immediately went big before calming himself. He motions travis to the counter as the cat jumped down and followed. God they both looked like helpless stray kittens being taken from the street.

Sal started to bandage them both up travis flinched from time to time and the cat scratched him. Ow.

The cat jumped off the counter "anyways com'ere." Sal then patted gesturing toward the couch. Travis sat down, so did sal. "Your staying for tonight I'm sure your dad won't noticed since hes probably drunk right?" "Right.."

Sal got off to get some blankets and sat back down on his green couch they now layed down together. Travis though that was kinda..gay but didn't say anything just to not be rude as much as he kinda hated it.

Meanwhile the cats? Gizmo walked up to the stray purring by this new arrival. He sat by it the stray had its fir slightly bristled but also layed down. Gizmo jokingly bopped strays head and it hissed and jumped, gizmo seemed to be teasing in a way. The stray didn't find it funny and layed down turning his back from his. Gizmo looked like he had just been rejected and immediately saddened his orange and white fur was calm and soft compared to the strays bristled one.

Sal sighed as he stared at travis for a bit, "hey..trav. you know its gonna be hard for me to keep another cat..?" "I-I know but you remember-" "yes. Yes I do." Travis looked away sadly."I'll keep them for now, I remember what you told me..you never got to properly bury him..did you.? ___ I mean."

The puppy accidentally let out a loud YELP travis immediately started to tear up as he watched the pup be dragged away from him the pup no longer hiding under his bed, his only type of comfort being taken away.. "NO NO NO! PLEASE FATHER JUST THROW IT OUT-" the pup trembled looking up at Kenneth before looking at travis one last time.. WHIMPER! "NO NO no - ___ NO DONT DIE DONT! NO NO NO-" "TRAVIS" Kenneth snapped slapping travis hard he cried harder holding the pup to his chest it bleed out after being thrown against the wall. "Go to your room I think this is punishment enough for today..and stop crying like a weak baby. My son's not a disgrace." Travis ran up the stairs to his room his cries now softer and quieter as much as he can. He wrapped the puppy in a blue sweater he had it had some light blue stripes. He held it close like a child. Like a mother dog with it's just newborn puppy..the small puppy dying by its hands. "I hate him! but I cant hate him..he would he would do what he did to you to me..im..I'm sorry I even brought you here. I should've left you alone you would've have been better off abandoned.." travis mumbled starting to cry a bit louder again.

"He threw him away while I was at school. I had him wrapped up in a sm-small box with his favorite 'toys' and some dandelions I picked up before he woke up in the morning.." travis started to sob quietly. Sal rubbed his back and softly hugged him, stray jumped on his and nuzzled him purring as gizmo also came and layed sensing the fear and anxiety.

 Sal rubbed his back and softly hugged him, stray jumped on his and nuzzled him purring as gizmo also came and layed sensing the fear and anxiety

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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