Chapter 1

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Just a short chapter to start things off


Regulus Black was a quiet child, abnormally quiet. It was a blessing and a curse, at night when he snuck into his older brother Sirius' room it was a blessing. Regulus was the antithesis of Sirius; he always has been. Sirius was loud, bold, and the heir to the noble and most ancient house of Black. Regulus was quiet, small, meek, and nothing but a useless spare.

Regulus crept in the dark into Sirius's room and made his way over to Sirius' sleeping form in the bed. He stood there for a minute before Sirius began to stir.

"Merde, Regulus I told you. To stop doing that" Sirius groaned squinting to see the face of his younger brother illuminated by nothing but the moon.

"Désolé Sirius, je voulais juste te voir et je ne pouvais pas attendre le matin" Regulus whispered looking down at is feet.

"It's okay petite étoile, what's wrong" Sirius asked scooching over on the bed and gesturing for Regulus to sit down just like they have done so many times before.

Regulus gingerly crawled into the bed and allowed Sirius to cover him with the blanket. Regulus bit his lip in contemplation before beginning to speak.

"I was just thinking about what it is going to be like when you leave me in a couple weeks, and it was keeping me up" Regulus said his French accent still discernable no matter how much their mother tried to beat it out of him.

"I'm not leaving forever mon petite étoile, I will be back for Yule. I will be back before you know it, and I will write to you every day" Sirius said a small smile spreading across his face.

"You won't forget me right" Regulus asked staring into Sirius' eyes expectantly.

"I could never" Sirius assured.

"promesse" Regulus questioned.

"promesse" Sirius responded pulling Regulus' hand into his.

They sat together in the dead of night hand in hand for what seemed like forever but in actuality was probably only an hour. Regulus grew tired his head drooping onto Sirius' shoulder as they laid side by side.

"Alright kiddo you need to get back to your bed, you have tutoring early in the morning" Sirius said pushing Regulus to get up and abandon the bed.

"You can't call me a kid I'm not much younger than you" Regulus pouted.

"I'm nearly two years older than you gamin. Now go back to your room it will be getting light soon and I don't want you to get caught sneaking around the halls by Mother" Sirius insisted.

"You know I never get caught sneaking around at night by Maman, I'm much too good for that. But I will go because you need your beauty sleep because obviously it hasn't worked yet" Regulus responded with a smirk before slipping out of the room and back out into the dark hallway before he could hear the response Sirius definitely had for him.

Regulus made his way back to his room across and not too far down the hallway. Once in his room he crawled back into his bed that was much smaller and not as comfortable as Sirius' and fell into a dreamless sleep.


French translations:

Merde: shit

"Désolé Sirius, je voulais juste te voir et je ne pouvais pas attendre le matin": "sorry Sirius, I just wanted to see you and couldn't wait until the morning"

Petite étoile: little star

Promesse: Promise

I hope you all will like this fic, it is different form what I have written in the past but I think you will like it. The update schedule will be sporadic, as I am a college student and I work so I am quite busy.

-Sophie xx

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