Chappy 1

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TUESDAY 11 MAY // 01:27 AM

To Derek (Stiles)
Hey wolfie.. Don't ask how I got ur number, I have my ways. R u still up?

To Stiles (Derek)
Yes Stiles. I am up and awake, I don't even want to know how you found my number. But why are you still up? Schools tomorrow?

To Derek
Can't sleep.
Also I didn't actually think you would get this, I thought you didn't know how to use these "future devices" ;)
You may laugh

To Stiles
Ha Ha Ha I wheeze.
Why can't you sleep? To much Adderal again?

To Derek
I can just imagine the Hale eyebrow raising rn.
And yeah.. Yah know things they call dreams and If they effect you enough to make you wake up out of breath, sweating and feeling like shit they call them nightmares too

To Stiles
What are you're night terrors about??

To Derek
I've had the same occurring dream.. It starts with my mom, just standing there with her her arms open as if she's going to hug me.. But as I reach into her she just changes, like She isn't my mom anymore but some sort of creature made out of pure chaos, strife and pain..

To Stiles

To Derek
Ugh well.. As soon I do touch her, her face cracks and she starts screaming like Lydia!
Then the whole pack flashes for a split second but what feels like an hour of watching you, Scott, Lydia, Erica and the rest of the pack die some sort of crazy way.. And I feel like drowning! This sounds crazy but the worst part of it all is before I wake up.. I can hear my mom saying the same thing every time, "wake up! This isn't you!" And when I do wake up i don't really remember the dream till I try to fall back asleep again..

To Stiles
Open the window.

To Derek
What y!?

To Stiles
I'm waiting.

To Derek
What if I just lock it? ;) stay out side in the 'kennel' I'll toss u bone if u catch my drift ;D
OMFNGNT 'BONE' 'BONER' 'CATCH MY DRIFT' I just made porn..


To Stiles
And I just heard you fall off your bed trying to stand up


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