Chapter 2: The monsters case

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Benson wakes up from a nightmare

He gasps for air. He walks to the kitchen to drink tap water

The sound of a police siren grow stronger, he looked out the window to see many police cars, ambulance pulling up to Sasha's home

Benson wonders what they're doing and goes outside to check

He moves closer to her house trying to get a peak of what they're looking at-

Police officer: Hey kid get out of here! It's not safe!

Benson gets scared and runs back to his house

He dials Nancy's landline phone

The phone rings

Someone picks up

Nancy's mom: Hello this is the Smiths-

Benson: Hello! Hello, is uhh Nancy home?

Nancy's mom: Why?

Benson: I just need to talk to her please

Nancy's mom: Well, okay... NANCY! PHONE!

(Nancy's room)

Nancy: Okay! 🙄

She picks up the telephone

Nancy: Hello?

Benson: Nancy! Cancel the meeting right now!

Nancy: What? Why?

Benson: I'll explain everything later just please meet me at the school!

Nancy: Benson you know I can't-

Nancy's mom: NANCY! Come down here quick!

Nancy: OKAY! Sorry my mom's calling gotta eat for breakfast

Benson sighs

Nancy goes downstairs to the living room

Nancy: What is it?

Her mom points at their tv

She looks at the tv

News reporter: Breaking news a high school student named Sasha Banks has been found dead at her own house no update of the suspect has been announced yet.

This is the first time in 19 years that a murder has taken place ever since the Cavell house massacre that happened back in 1964... We advise you to stay at home until the suspect has been arrested

Maya: Oh my god, Nick!

Nick: What?

Maya: Are you seeing this?

He walks to the living room to watch the tv

Nick: Woah..

Maya: We should call Mark

(Nancy's house)

Nancy's mom: Oh my god, Nancy did you know her?

Nancy realizes why Benson wanted to cancel the meeting she rushes back upstairs to her room to call Benson again

Telephone rings

Benson: Hello?!

Nancy: Benson!

Benson: Nancy! So did you watch the news

Nancy: Yes holy shit I don't understand

Benson: Me too we need to go to the school and talk

Nancy: I'm on it I'll be there at 9

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