Chapter 3: Enzukai's world

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The sun rises in Mafide, Fred is accompanied by Maya, Mari, Mark and Nick who slept at his house

Suddenly Maya awakens by the sound of sirens...

Maya: Guys! Wake up! I think something happened

They hurriedly runs outside and sees ambulances,police cars going to downtown

Benson's body was discovered in the middle of the road

Nancy: I told you! We were just.... Going.... Home..

Policeman: Fine, now what was your name again..?

A car pulls up to the scene and Maya, Nick, Mary and Mark gets out to watch

Maya: *gasp* Hey Mari isn't that your sister?

Mari: Yeah, and?

Maya: Well, shouldn't you say something to her?

Mari: *scoffs* With you three with me? No. She would just think that you three are just delinquents

Mark: Why would she think that?

Mari: Because she's always paranoid so I'd rather not go to her

Policeman: Okay thank you ma'am

He leaves

Nancy looks at Benson's lifeless body, then she remembers something... Something Benson mentioned a while ago...

(At Fred's house)

Maya: Bye Fred we're going to the store to buy you food!

Fred: See you!

Their car leaves

And another car pulls up to his house

The doorbell rings

Fred: Huh? They're back already?

He walks to the door and opens it

In that moment his eyes shocked to see... Nancy...

Nancy: Uhh hi!

Fred: Ummm... Hello? Can I help you?

Nancy: Umm you might not know me bu-

Fred: You're Nancy

Nancy: Uhh yeah

Fred: Mari's older sister

Nancy: Wait you know her?

Fred: It's a long story

Nancy: Yeah well, I have a long story too

(At Fred's bedroom)

Fred: Benson died? How

Nancy: It's the same how Sasha died

Fred: Oh my god...

Nancy: I'm only here 'cause I wanna ask.... How did she die? And what else did you see..

Fred goes quiet..

Nancy: Y'know what...I'm sorry for asking about Sasha I mean-

Fred: No... I'll explain.

Nancy listens

Bunch of cereals are tossed in thee cart

Maya: Isn't it kinda weird how Nancy your sister was there in a crime scene being questioned by the cops?

Mark: Probably someone she knows died

Mari: Literally the only person she knows at school is Benson

Everyone goes quiet

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