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Sirius never got the chance to thank Rosie for what she'd done. He was carted off to St Mungo's to be rehabilitated and treated for extended exposure to Dementor's along with several other things.

Remus followed him, staying long outside regular visiting hours. Perhaps it was because the staff saw how much having him there helped. Or maybe it was because they had been ordered to take extra care of him after how the ministry had wronged him.

It didn't matter, he was just glad to have Remus by his side.

The man had cast a number of privacy spells around them before telling him what had happened while Sirius was being questioned by Alastor.

Apparently the story Rosie had spoken in court was close to what really happened. She apparently delivered a few letters to the werewolf in person before she asked for his help. Just like Sirius he received three letters Remus did as well.

One from James, one from Lily, and one from Harry.

Apparently James' also used a Blood seal on the werewolf's letter, but Rose had asked that they wait to activate it until after Court. She didn't want to shift anyone's focus from Sirius' false incarceration.

After reading the letters Rose had for him, she told Remus that she still needed to deliver another set of letters, letters to Peter.

She made him promise not to kill him, saying they needed him to get Sirius free. She knew the court wouldn't budge unless they had Peter alive.

She brought Remus to the Weasley home, where Mr. Weasley sat guarding a petrified rat in his workshop. All it took was a single look for Moony to recognize the rat.

Rose used his petrified rat hands like a letter opener, forcing the seal on Jame's letter. She read the letters addressed to Peter aloud, letting the traitor hear the last words of James and Lily.

James' letter addressed to Peter was also Blood Sealed.

"I hope she activates his." Sirius glared at his jello cup, clenching his hands till the color left them.

Remus sat on a stool next to his bed as they spoke, confusion written on his face.

"Why would you wish that?"

"It will kill him." Sirius glanced to his friend to gauge his reaction. "The Potter family magic will literally burn him from the inside out for betraying them."

Remus didn't seem opposed to the idea, but he did look slightly defeated.

"She said it was a precaution..." the werewolf sighed. "Incase he ever escapes. I didn't understand what she meant until now."

Sirius mulled over his friend's words, a sense of appreciation washed over him. The woman had thought further ahead that he had, not acting out of rage or the need for revenge.

They didn't speak anymore about it, but they both held the thought in the back of their minds.

They read the latest news reports as they came out each day, though nothing they didn't already know.

Peter was locked up in Azkaban, Sirius was proclaimed innocent. The only interesting thing they'd read was a short mention of Mad-Eye Moody arresting several other death eaters with the information they gathered from Peter's confessions. Yet somehow Lucious Malfoy again managed to avoid arrest... for now.

A guest came to greet them later that week, someone they hadn't expected to see.

Mr. Weasley along with a small red haired boy.

"Hello, sorry for the intrusion." The oddly chipper man called out, still holding the child in his arms.

"To what do we own the pleasure, Mr Weasley?" Remus called out, a quizzical look on his face.

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