Firey tension.| PJO!Jayden

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How crazy was he, broke up with a kid from Hephaestus cabin, and got with that crazy kid from Hades cabin.

Jayden was a mess, he knew Daniel wasn't good for him. But no matter what trouble, what ruin that boy left him in, he couldn't get enough.

The firey tension between them, and the burning pain that was left for him, Jayden was stuck.

But here he was, back to ground zero. He left him again, this time over his messy hair. "But I just got out of training?" Jayden tried to reason, the tears forming already. "I hate when you look a mess, you know this Jay." He scoffed, and walked off. So there he was, standing alone in his own coffin.

Sure his cabin brothers and sisters would tell him to drop Dan and find someone better but...he was the only person who ever showed him that he cared. He wouldn't keep coming back to Jayden if he didn't like him right?

No...he MUST like him. "He's gotta care for me, right Vince?" Jay contemplated, immediately being picked up by his best friend. Dragging him into the Athena cabin Vincent sighed. "You know, if he really cared he would NOT be leaving your ass every other day, or is it ever six hours now? No clue." He rolled his eyes, and then sat the blinded kid on his bed.

"Listen Jay, I'm sure there's someone out there for you, that's not Daniel. Gods forbid that guy. He is his father, literally." The more he spoke, the less Jayden wanted to listen. Sure, he could always find someone new, but that pull, the attraction was so strong with HIM. "You can't lie, there's something there..I mean maybe it's just a rough patch right now Vince." He shook his head disappointingly in response. "Mother save me...give this man wisdom..." he mumbled.

  "There's like other guys and girls out there who are literally dying to have a chance with you, you know that right? You're wasting your time on a guy who doesn't care." He tried to reason, and it was valid too. Jayden knew this, he knew deep down that Daniel really didn't care for him as much. He was just looking for fun, not something real. "I dont know man, I don't know why I can't let him go, this is the longest anyone's stayed." "You can't count every break up as one full time frame. He leaves you faster than others if anything. I mean one of my brothers is pretty interested...I'm sure you've gotten those nicely crafted letters.." he tried hinting to him, but he paid him no mind.

   It was like all he could think about was him, during the day, during the night, during meals, during training...everywhere at any time. Obsessed? Maybe but nothing is wrong with a crush now and then right? "I'll try once more with Dan, once okay? And I won't fail again but if I do then I'll quit alright?" He looked up to a doubtful look from Vincent. "Sure. Sure and right after you're gonna tell me the same thing right?" He mocked him, smiling right after. "Nah trust me it'll go well. Something tells me it will." He laid back on Vincent's bed, and shut his eyes temporarily.

  Something was telling him. A voice, distant yet so close to him. A god, Jayden called it, guiding him towards a better understanding. 'Make you, one way, or another.' It said, and it repeated in his head. And soon after it was all he could hear. Vincent's concerned shakes weren't reaching him, but inside of Jayden it felt like something was being unchained, a power manifesting in him.

    He suddenly jumped up with new strength to get him back, but..not as genuine as before. The voice still repeated the words loudly in his ears. "One way or another." Jayden whispered to himself, as he rushed out of Vincent's cabin. "Jay where are you going!? COME BACK? What the hell was that?" He said just standing there in disbelief. For him he just started ignoring him and than ran off, but it was a lot different for Jay.

   He walked, ran, and searched until he saw Daniel in the distance. Talking to some random kid. He approached them, his loud footsteps catching their attention. Dan turned around, and frowned at him. "Didn't I tell you I hate when you look like a mess? Whats wrong with you." He complained. Jayden looked down at him, a force building as he began to speak. "Dan, you love me right?" He asked, and when he spoke to him, something compelled Dan to say , "Yes, Jayden, I love you more than anything." The other kid he was talking to was shocked. "You just was talking about how annoying he was? Bro what's with the switch up!?" He scoffed. "You should leave." Jayden said, the eye contact he made with the boy suddenly made him turn. Like a doll, his feet carried him to walk away.

    The gift from his mom. It had to be, this way, Daniel would love him back. Daniel would never leave him. Daniel would always love him, if Jayden reminded him of it. Of course he loved him! He just needed a boost. That boost was in fact a gift from his mom, but it wasn't a miracle for his issues. It was a temporary use.

   Manipulation, mind control, but he's just a smooth talker to others. He didn't really mean to use it in that way but, he was driven by the firey tension.

  Daniel doesn't love him. He's being driven by Jayden's power.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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