part 1

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Prena prov:

3 months in just 3months I have lost everything just every thing that gives meaning to the life has gone.
My family, my love, my job,my respect character. Everything just every thing just seems vanished.

All this happened just because I fell in love with a wrong person.

My family now just hate me for jeopardizeing there reputation.

And now because of this stupid love of mine I am standing in bajaj mansion that's what Basu's think.

But no now it's enough I am done with Basu's, anurag, and his stupid
Obsession .

What they think that they can do anything they want just because they have money, power and status.
If that's what it's take then it's time
To destroy Basu's.

If that's what matters then be it.

Rishab: so, do you accept my proposal?

Prena : yes! I am ready to become your wife.

But I want to know the real reason why do you want to marry me?

I have my reasons which I will disclose after marriage.said rishab( in a calm and sharp tone ).

Prena: fine keep your words and marriage will happen a day before my marriage with anurag.

But let me make one thing clear I am not in love with anurag basu .
So if that's your reason then it's better you back off.

Mr bajaj smirked and replyed
But Mr basu is obsessed with you.
It's good to hear that you are not in love with basu boy. But that doesn't change my decision as it has no relation with Basu's.

And if you don't mind then there will be no divorce happening ever.
We will be married till one died.

Prena: so your first wife died or you killed ?

Rishab: you will know once you become Mrs bajaj.

Well I have a question for you if you don't love Mr basu. Then why are you
Here doing deal with me.

Prena: like you said for that you have to be my husband.

Fine we will get married in three days
With all the rituals so it will be better if you stay in farmhouse and from there we will be going to get married in our kuldevi temple a day before yours and anurag marriage.

Anurag basu will be released by 12pm
So be here at 2 pm we have to leave for farmhouse.

Prena: ok I'll try to come on time.

Basu Bari

Nivadita: what did Mr bajaj said prena?
Did you convince him to release Anurag?
Ooh for God sake say something.
( Asked in angry,desperate and authoritarian voice).

Anupam: nivi clam down and let her speak.

Prena: yah ! Yes nivi di I convinced him. He is ready to take down all the charges. Tomorrow anurag will be released by 12pm.

Anupam: wow it's a good news.

Nivadita: thank God!; thank you prena thank you so much.
I go and share this news to ma.

Nivi goes anupam say's thanks prena only you could do this but,what did Mr.bajaj ask in return?

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It's a short story.
Thank you.

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