Baby girl

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Bebe's age: 17
Wendy's age: 17
Ken and Bebe are cousins btw☺️
Bebe's pov

Today is the day I tell Wendy I like her, I don't know how I came to liking my Best friend. She would probably hate me but if I never told her, but I would never forgive myself so I might as well. As I walk into the school I see familiar faces everywhere, I pick up my speed and walk to my locker. I open my locker and put my backpack away and grab my book for the first period (which is science) I close my locker and just when I am about to leave I feel a tap on my shoulder, I turn around to see Kenny "Kenny, What are you doing here?" I ask as Kenny takes off his hood and starts speaking " I just needed to ask a question" "well what is it?" " I wanted to ask if you liked Wendy" how the fuck does he know!?!? I swear if Craig told him he's dead "yes, but what does that have to do with you?" "I can help you!" "Really? Is this a joke?" "No, I'm not joking I can actually help you!" Kenny tells me, right before I speak the bell rings "Shoot! Bebe what class do you go to?" "I go to science." "Awesome! Alright let's go to class before we're late" as me and Kenny pick up our pase we continue our conversation.

Wendy's POV

"What am I going to tell Bebe!" I whisper yell to Heidi who sits next to me "Whoa! You need to chill out Wendy, everything is going to be alright." "But!-ok....." "Just relax Wendy." I hear the door open and see Bebe and Kenny walk in together, since when did they start talking? Bebe sees me and waves, Kenny does too. I wave back at both of them. "Wasn't Kenny your biggest enemy last year?" Heidi asks me "Yeah but after we decided to become friends and stop bothering each other" "Oh...." Bebe walks over and sits next to me and Kenny sits next to Bebe "hey Wendy and Heidi!" Bebe says in an excited voice "what's got you hyped up?" "I'm planning some stuff!" "Like what?" "Sorry can't tell, it's a secret!" Then Bebe turns back to Kenny and continues talking to him "I wonder what they're talking about." Heidi says "yeah me too." The teacher walks in and begins to speak "Quiet down class." And the voices slowly become faint until it's silent, "So today we will be doing a science project. There will be groups of three." I turn to Bebe to see that is actually paying attention. As the teacher writes something on the board, but I just stare at things in the classroom. "So for this project you will need partners, because there are three parts and each of you needs to do one of each. But don't get too excited because I will be picking your partners." As the teacher continues writing on the board, I see names paired together. As my eyes scan the board I see me and Bebe and..Kenny? Why does Kenny have to be there? I tap Bebe's shoulder and she looks at me "Bebe, me, you , and Kenny's names are paired together!" I say pointing to the board, "That's awesome Wendy!" Bebe says smiling, Wow....her smile is so beautiful. Yup, I like my best friend. It's crazy because during the project I'm going to confess to Bebe, so I'm hoping that will go well.....
Part 2 coming out soon

Word count: 634

I just wanted to say thank you guys for all the love and support you give me, I know this year will be great because of you guys. Once again thank you

Your buddy,

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