Chapter 2 | Unexpected visitors

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*5-year time skip


"Ani, Ani, look what I found," the dark-haired girl called out to her friend as she raced over to him. "What?" the boy asked as her turned around, his stormy blue eyes filled with confusion. Zilla pulled him in close and pulled a gold necklace with emerald green jewels out of her pocket. "I think it's real, but I want you to check it first." The girl was practically shaking with excitement as a million thoughts ran through her brain. Anakin took it and carefully examined it, he then looked up to her, because as she loved to remind him, she was a whole two inches taller, with the widest grin and he nodded. "Yeah Z, it's real all right." It took all of Zilla's willpower not to squeal from excitement, but she settled for wrapping her arms around her friend's neck and holding him close. Anyone who looked at the boy could have testified that his cheeks were turning slowly scarlet.

Zilla spent the whole day at Watto's shop, her master was out of town and the shop was not far enough for her to get shocked. Watto pretended to make a fuss when the little human girl arrived but in truth he didn't care so long as she stayed out of his way. Anakin was talking to her about ways to disable her slave collar when a peculiar group of people walked in. There was a Gungan, a really quite beautiful girl dressed in blue clothes and two men in what appeared to be... The girl could barely contain her gasp, two jedi were in the shop. Zilla had heard the stories about the jedi, the mysterious warriors blessed with the ability to wield the force. She'd never thought that she would ever meet one, especially not in a little junk shop in Mos Espa. 

Anakin had already made his way over to them, they said the needed a new hyperdrive for their ship and Anakin, forever eager to help, had brought them over to show them. She approached the Gungan first, "Hi, I'm Zilla, Zilla Starrforé. I'm Anakin's," she pointed at Anakin in case he hadn't introduced himself, "friend. Who are you?" The Gungan pointed at itself and said, "Mesa Jar Jar Binks. Nice to meet yousa." Zilla smiled, "It's very nice to meet you too Jar Jar." She waved a quick goodbye to Jar Jar and walked over to the two men who looked like jedi. She thought about what to ask them and then decided to be straight to the point. "Are you two jedi, because you have peculiar clothes and you," she pointed a finger at the younger jedi almost accusatorially, "have that jedi pada... pada... padaman thingy in your hair." 

"Yes child, we are Jedi." The older one answered. "I am Qui-Gon Jinn, and this is my padawan." he said the word padawan pointedly, "Obi-Wan Kenobi." The one named Obi-Wan bowed to her, no one had ever bowed to the little girl before and she felt quite flustered, she was quite sure people weren't allowed to bow to slaves like her, but she decided they must not know as they were new to her home planet.

While Ani was off talking to the pretty brown-haired girl, Padmé her name was, and Qui-Gon was bargaining with Watto, Zilla was interrogating poor Obi-Wan about his being a Jedi. She pointed to his head, "What's that?" "This is my padawan braid," he answered her millionth question. She frowned and tilted her head to look at it, "Can I touch it?" she asked him. He considered it then nodded as she gently twirled the braid and picked up one of her own. "I like your padawan braid Obi-wan but your probably jealous because i have two braids. My friend Ani's mom did them for me, her name is Shmi Skywalker and if you meet her, I'm sure you'll like her, she's very kind." Suddenly the little slave girl turned her attention away from the jedi padawan and scampered off to Padmé to interrogate her. Obi-Wan chuckled to himself and thought, "What a curious little thing.


"I have bargained both the hyperdrive and your freedom on this pod race boy and by force I hope you do not disappoint." Qui-Gon warned Anakin, Anakin himself did not look concerned but Zilla definitely was, it was foolish of Anakin to brag so much to the new guests. He was a good pilot of course but to say the least, he had lost more races than he had won.

Zilla was walking directly in front of the two jedi on their way to the race, she tried not to be sneaky, but the small girl couldn't help but catch snippets of their conversation, most of what she heard she couldn't understand but she heard one very important thing, it was Qui-Gon saying, "I sense the force strongly in both children and I believe the boy to be the chosen one they speak of."

Hearing this spark a sense of confliction in the girl, she wasn't sure what to do, should she tell her friend, but what use would thatn be, if Anakin really was so important surely they would tell him themselves right? She pushed such thoughts away as they neared the pod racing arena, her only thoughts now were on supporting Anakin through his race. Force help him win, or what would she do.

A/N                                                                                                                                                                                                So this is a pretty short chapter but i hope you enjoyed it, if you did please comment and vote.                                                                                                                                                                                      Love ya, bye                                                                                                                                                                        Xx

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