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Skip at college

Jennie pov.
(In mind)
I enter the college everyone eyes were at me, Taehyung were parking the car, I look at unnie, oppa Lisa and Jungkook they just look down like they felt guilty and I saw Irene were looking at me weirdly, I just ignored them but when I were about to walk

Girl 1: Hey Kim Taehyung wife

Girl 5: What did you do to Taehyung that he love you huh

Author pov.
One of Irene friends said suddenly Taehyung came

Girl 3: Oh the couples actually they look good then the pair of Irene and Taehyung

Girl 5: It's impossible

Boy 2: How can you Jennie fall inlove with him

Jennie: Huh

Author pov.
Jennie start to act

Irene: You bitch how dare you to stole my Taehyung

Author pov.
Irene slapped Jennie, Taehyung were getting angry but he just calm himself down

Jennie: What is wrong with you why did always want to fight with me

Irene: Look at this

Author pov.
Irene showed a picture of her taking pictures with teddy bears at the Paris and behind of it they can see Taehyung and Jennie, Jennie eyes got widen

Taehyung: So

Irene: It's true

Taehyung: Listen everyone me and Jennie got married so don't dare to disturb her

Principal: What problem is here

Taehyung: Nothing sir just a bee flying

Principal: Then why everyone is looking at three of you

Taehyung: See sir this Irene girl just slapped Jennie so better ask her to be careful or not this college reputation will be down because my parents can just closed the college

Principal: OK we will take care it

Taehyung: If this girl just try to do something then remember this

Principal: Irene detention

Irene: What the fuck

Principal: Language Irene everyone can go

Author pov.
Everyone just went away, Irene  went to detention room, the principal went away also so it just Taehyung and Jennie

Taehyung: I'm so sorry Jennie

Jennie: Before we get married you said that this will be secret

Taehyung: I can't keep it as secret anymore everyone find about us

Jennie: We can at least create some stories and hide about it again

Taehyung: I can't Jennie, I want to live with you and everyone should know that you are mine

Jennie: If I die I won't see you cry but others will the baby will

Taehyung: I'm sorry

Jennie: Just tell to me if you can't keep a secret

Taehyung: Please just for me Jennie don't be like this, I want to make everyone know like the world know that you are mine, my love, my heart and my life

Jennie: But

Taehyung: Not but it's just me and you with the baby no one should come even if it's Irene and Kai. Please smiled for me

Author pov.
Jennie smiled a bit

Taehyung: More

Author pov.
Jennie smiled looking at Taehyung pouting

Taehyung: I love you sweetheart

Jennie: I love you too TaeTae

Taehyung: Well that's a sweet name

Jennie: It's cute right

Taehyung: OF COURSE

Jennie: Don't shout alien

Taehyung: Don't call me like that

Jennie: If you don't want me to call you like that then take care your behavior

To be continued

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