Chapter 9

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"It's all grotesque," Taehyung said as he and Felix sat at barstools. "Mauling bodies like that, it gave me nightmares,"

"Plus that new channie guy seems pretty sketchy," Felix commented, downing a shot.

"It's Bangchan," Taehyung corrected. "And I'm surprised you-know-who didn't tell you about him,"

"She doesn't like to talk about the vampire stuff, it makes her upset cause I'm aging and she's not,"

"How's the spell coming along?"

"It drains me," Felix wiped his brow. "Trying to create a spell that won't make you age... that's some dark magic there,"

"Is she worth it?"

"I'd do anything for her,"

Taehyung looked down at his drink, frowning a little. "I wish I could find something like that. I really want to find my mate,"

"They're out there," Felix clapped Taehyung on the shoulder. "Don't worry about it. And once you find them, they will be the love of your life, I can feel it, mate,"

"Talking about me again?" A girl asked, sliding into the stool next to the two men. "You have got to stop bragging about me to everyone, babe,"

Felix smiled at the brown haired girl before kissing her lips. "What are you doing here?"

"I had some free time, and a feeling that you would be here," the girl smiled. "Hello Tae,"

"Miss Charlotte," Taehyung said politely, raising his beer to her.

"How many times do I have to tell you? It's Scarlet. Call me Scarlet," the girl rolled her eyes as she ordered another round of beers.

"Okay, Scarlett," Taehyung drawled out the name "We met the old aussie geezer, Bangchan,"

Scarlett paled, looking worriedly at Felix. "Oh, um, yeah,"

"How come you didn't tell me Song Kang left?" Felix asked quietly.

"You know I don't like talking about my bloodsucking life. I'm like at the bottom of the food chain with the vampires," Scarlet took a long drink from her beer, thinking she would need as much alcohol in her system as possible if she was about to have this conversation with her boyfriend.

"You were the werewolves' only contact with the vampire side for the past year,"

"Yes, only because I've been dating you for four years," Scarlett commented. "Besides, when I come over it's to like, talk to Irene about boys or talk to Kai about girls or bail Suga out of jail, there's never time to talk about the vampire stuff,"

"But what about when we were alone?" Felix asked softly. Taehyung sat there awkwardly as the couple talked.

"You help me get away from the vampire stuff, you know how I hate it," scarlet said, running her hand through Felix's hair. "Besides, with the new positions Bangchan arranged I'm still like, at the bottom,"

"What position are you?"

Scarlett quickly looked away. "Hey you guys wanna order food or something?"

"Scar," Felix grabbed her hand and looked into her eyes. "Tell me,"

She sighed, playing with a loose strand of her hair. "I'm, uh-"

"Well you know she's somewhere high up cause I can feel her heartbeat going really fast," Taehyung commented, staring straight ahead. "From how nervous you are I'd say you're... third in command?"

"Second," Scarlett muttered.

"What?" Felix's eyes widened as he smiled. "Babe, that's huge!"

"You're not mad?" she asked, confused. "I've had this information for like, a year and you're not mad I didn't tell you?"

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