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I decided on taking the scenic route home to enjoy the beautiful weather and the lively atmosphere that blanketed the bricked city streets of Piltover. Hurling through the bustling crowds filled with people from far and wide, I could feel the excitement pulsing through the crowd in anticipation of the upcoming announcement about new Hextech developments.

The bright, hot sun beamed down on the bricked streets accompanied by fluffy white clouds and steam balloons bringing in a new wave of people overhead. I pushed my way through the dense crowd as I admired the diversity — from Chirean to human, scientists to inventors, all coexisting cheerfully in this hub of progress. Smiles and music danced around the town square as I observed the harmonious spirit firsthand. It was unlike anything I'd ever witnessed before in such multitudes.

A little Chirean boy and a human girl chased each other through the crowd laughing and giggling as the adults mingled over tea. I smiled at their childish wonder and pondered a time where I'd be doing the same. On my way home I stopped to buy a bag of caches before making my way through the side streets.


An abnormal silence fell over my normally lively neighborhood, as if every being that lived in Piltover were out dancing on the square.

I walked through the imposing black iron gates of my family's beautiful estate, the towering oak trees standing quite sentry. As daughter of the Enforcer Chief and a prospering businessman, my privileges included calling this beautiful architectural showpiece home.

I slipped into the silent foyer, I could hear my father clearly in the distance, immersed in a business meeting in his study. Carefully easing the giant mahogany wood doors close behind me.

"I don't care what it takes! You kill that under-city scum if you have to!" My father shouted, his chilling words froze my feet to the white marble floor.

Shivers shot up my body at the anger that trembled in his voice— a viciousness I had never heard from him before. He almost didn't sound like himself.

Shock took over me as I stared blankly at the white floors, searching inward as I took in what I just heard. Someone muttered in response to him, the door was only cracked, so his appearance was well hidden.

"Well you tell that rat, that I said if I have to come down there I'll kill him my fucking self! NOW GET ME THAT DAMN MAP!" My father demanded. The person stumbled over his words in fear of the rage that welled in my father. I inched my way further into our home, closer to his study.

"Sir I'm not sure he knows where it is." A voice seldomly responded, I was startled by a sudden thud, sounded like my father's fist hitting his desk.

"Well dammit you find it! You make him find it! Or so help me you'll be killed and thrown in the ditch with the rest of the Under-city vermin!" My fathers words caused a knot to grow in my stomach.

I've never heard my father carry on like such— he'd always speak with so much kindness and pride. He taught me to love equally despite what everyone else said about the Zaunites, he always said to treat them as I'd treat a Piltovan no matter what.

His bitter words and hateful tone forced monumental shifts in my assumptions about the under-city residents — had father held such hostility toward the Zaunites this entire time? Why speak with such cruelty? Unease swirled through me as his voice echoed off the tall walls and polished floors.

"Sir, I-" the disembodied voice started. Only to be cut off by the rambling voice of my father.

"No more of your excuses! Out of my face and go do your job!" Suddenly I heard footsteps rushing toward the door. I scurried quickly down the hallway and up the stairs, rushing to my room before closing and locking my door behind me.

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