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The sound of rain pattering and thunder clapping outside woke me from my sleep. The distinct smell of the wet pavement outside swept through the slightly opened window. I searched for my glasses on my desk as I sat up, rubbing my eyes before glancing at the time. 5am. The sun was just about to rise as I climb out of bed.

The house was eerily quiet, apart from the constant pitter patter of the rain against the window. I chugged a glass of water before heading to the bathroom, of course handling my hygiene, but also deciding that today I'd make a different journey.

Initially I was meant to be at the academy today, doing some research for a new Hextech design, but there were already three other people with the same task, I doubt anyone would miss me.

I moved quietly about as I got dressed, intending to look as simple as possible, I put on a fitted shirt, strapped with my heavy duty harness, long grey pants and black steel toe boots, I slipped on a black cape, that came down far enough to keep my face hidden by its shadow. I equipped my harness with a notepad and a pen, just in case I'd need to make note of something.

Stealthily moving down the hallway, placing my feet as lightly as I could so the marbled floors wouldn't echo my footsteps throughout the tall ceilings too loudly. I quietly made my way to the big heavy mahogany wood doors which seemed so far away when not walking at full speed.

"Zahra?" My mothers soft voice echoed from behind me. I froze, closing my eyes and letting out a silent swear as I slowly turned about to meet her gaze.

"Good morning mom, did I wake you?" I half whispered, giving her a quick smirk as to try to stay calm.

"No dear, I just came for a cup of tea. Where you headed so early?" She asked, moving a strand of my long black hair out of my face. I panicked, I've never lied to her before, but if she knew what my intentions were today she'd lose her mind.

"I uh, have some business at the academy today. Jayce needed my teams help coming up with a design for his latest invention, I figured I'd get a head start, being the weather is pretty shit today." I bit my lip in anticipation, giving her a half smile as she studied my face. She looked at me with large doe eyes and smiled.

"You're just like your father," she brushed my cheek. "Hard working and intelligent, I'm so proud of you," she smiled, cupping my face in her hands. I let out a soft huff and looked down at my feet, if only she knew the half of it; she wouldn't be speaking in such a way.

"You taught me well mom," I returned her warm smile and kissed her on her cheek. "I better get going if I want to finish up early. I love you I'll see you later," I gave her a tight hug before rushing out the door.

"Be careful honey!" My mom yelled after me as I walked down the wet sidewalk cornering the outside brick and waited for her to go back inside before going in the other direction toward the bridge.


I walked the long stretch of the bridge, strands of my rain soaked hair clinched to my cheeks as I pulled my hood further over my face. The air quickly grew dense and I pulled out my gas mask which helped me breath through the thickened air quality.

I was surprised at how fast the shift in the air quality took affect. The scene of the bright rising sun quickly turned dark and grim as the heavy cloud of pollution spread over the bridge. The rain turned cold and heavy as I stepped off.

I squinted as I took in the environment around me,I hugged my trench coat closed and squinted through the rain as I heard coughing coming from one corner. I kept my head down and inched my way further into the polluted area.

Suddenly I heard screams and cries coming from the under side of the bridge, I rushed down to see a blood ridden girl being beaten by Enforcers. Is this what they are sent here to do? I quickly ran to her aid fighting off the two large men that were constantly punching on her.

"Hey! HEY!" I yelled as I stepped between them taking my hood off, one man looked at me puzzled and the other stepped to me squaring off.

"I strongly suggest you mind your business little lady," he warned. His tall muscular frame towered over me, his expression laced with anger and something else.

"Or what," I spat. "Is this what you're sent here to do? Attack innocent citizens?" I grilled him, he laughed obnoxiously at my obliviousness. Of course they were.

"Innocent?" He scoffed. "You pitty scum?" He spat on my shoe, the girl weakly clung to my cape as I held my arm against the enforcer. His partner seemed as though he recognized the chief enforcers daughter. While his seemingly new superior ignorantly faced off with me.

"If you won't step aside, we'll have to teach you a lesson too," he suddenly grabbed me by my shoulders, punching me repeatedly. I was stunned by his sudden attack, I didn't expect an Enforcer to treat me this way. Why was he treating me this way? Because I 'pitied' a Zaunite? That's ridiculous!

In a swift motion he threw me to the ground as I tried to fight him off.

"RUN!" I yelled to the girl who was frozen in fear, she looked at me with her eyes wide and tears streaming down her bloodied face, her lip swollen and blood seeped from a cut on her cheek. The man started pulling at my clothes, as though he wanted to take advantage of me. His partner now tried to pull him off of me.

"Come on this is going too far!" He attempted to pull him off, but the man wouldn't budge, I managed to land a few punched before he'd pinned me to the ground. I closed my eyes as he pushed himself against me.

I was afraid, is this what they were going to do to that poor girl if I hadn't stepped in? I closed my eyes tightly and held my breath, bracing myself for what might come next.

Suddenly, a thud in the distance begged for me to pause, listening intently, I heard a small grunt then a warm fluid trickled on my neck, the enforcer fell heavily on top of me.

I hesitated to opened my eyes, afraid of what I might see, yet expecting it completely. The lifeless eyes of the enforcer met my gaze and I panicked, trying and failing to push him off of me, then a terrifying ghastly figure with a mask shaped like an owl stared down at me. My eyes widened in fear as I scanned the area for the girl, at least she was safe. She was huddled in a corner, shaking, wet, cold and terrified.

I closed my eyes bracing for yet another attack, instead he kicked the lifeless body of the enforcer off of me and I quickly scurried away. I ran over to the girl, she stared blankly ahead as I tried to gain her attention.

"Hey, are you alright?" My attempts to gain her attention came up short, she was rigid, frozen in terror.

I blindly grabbed her hand, remembering the ghastly figure that stood behind us. I tried to run on the slippery rocks, the figure stood in the distance and another joined him, they were silently talking amongst themselves, staring at the girl and I. I carefully made my way down the slope, but it over powered me, knocking me out with no remorse.

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