Bonus chapter (5): Chocolate blaze

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Hu Tao: "Ughhhhhhh! This is a mess..."

Yanfei entered the kitchen and saw a distressed Hu Tao next to a non-identifiable pile of brown mush sitting on a kitchen plate.

Yanfei: "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh— Hu Tao?"

The lawyer's voice caused the director to almost jump in surprise

Hu Tao: "Eep! Yanyan! You scared me half to death!"

The parlor director sighed, before dusting off her uniform and recomposing herself.

Hu Tao: "I'm trying to bake a chocolate cake for Y/n, But I've never done it before and I can't seem to get the recipe right..."

Yanfei: "Saint Valentines, eh~? How romantic~"

Hu Tao: "Hey, YanYan..."

Yanfei: "yeah?"

Hu Tao: "Are there other girls gifting chocolate to Y/n?"

Looking at Hu Tao's seemingly peaceful grin, Yanfei realized that the future of Teyvat was fully in her hands.

Yanfei: "I mean, friendship chocolates are not uncommon, right? Hehe..."

Hu Tao: "I am utterly indifferent to the trifling chocolates bestowed upon him by mere friends. My singular concern lies in whether some nefarious sorceress dares to ensnare my beloved with insidious temptations of confectionery and gateaux!"

The flames of hell had been rekindled, for a new age of destruction shall hit Teyvat. The cataclysm was but a mere appetizer comparing to what had to come.

Yanfei: "I-I mean ... I'm sure no one wants to steal him away from you! B-But he does receive kind of a lot, yeah...."

The heat of her rage was enough to make even the pyro archon cower in fear.

Yanfei: "I-it's only because they want to get his chocolates for white day!"

Hu Tao crossed her arms and puffed her cheeks.

Hu Tao: "It's unacceptable... I should be the only one having the pleasure of tasting his sweets! Hmpf!"

Yanfei sighed

Yanfei: "Girl, you're utterly hopeless, Y'know that?"

Hu Tao: "Sorry, it's just that- Ughhhh!! He has all these floozies giving him sweets and stuff while I can't even manage to cook something nice for him..."

Yanfei: "Why don't you ask him to teach you?"

Hu Tao: "And gift him his own chocolate? Now I understand why you're single..."

It's super effective! The opposing Yanfei has fainted.

Yanfei: "No, you big dummy! he'll teach you how to make an exceptional cake, and then you're going to take what you learned, add your feminine touch to it and sweep him off his feet all over again!"

As if he knew exactly what was the best time to make a good entrance, Y/n entered the kitchen, causing the girl's faces to go pale

Y/n: "Did I... interrupt something?"

Yanfei: "You... You didn't hear anything, right?"

Y/n: "Nope. Those ruin guardians really roughed up my ears.."

Yanfei whispered something in Hi Tao's hear, before speaking up.

Yanfei: "You don't have any more work today, right? Could you help us?"

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