Chapter 20

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Night Crawling - Miles Cyrus ft. Billy Idol
Moves like Jagger - Maroon 5

Saturday couldn't have come around any sooner. All of us awoke on the couches in the library of the Salvatore house. No one wanted to stay in Whitmore over the festive period and the girls had a party to set up for. I appreciated their company in the house, as I'd lacked ordinary human interaction for too long. I was also worried that things would be awkward with Stefan, but he didn't bother us, only Damon did but I figured that was inevitable.

Bonnie, Caroline and Elena had caught me up on everything I had missed and I suddenly felt like I was included and up to speed on everything. Alaric was no longer a vampire which I didn't think was possible without the cure. He had crossed the border and Jo saved his life which was going to be a good story to tell one day. They made a good couple.
Elena also explained how her and Damon were giving their relationship another shot. After she had her memories of them compelled away, I was worried there was nothing left for them. We had also assumed that Damon was dead for majority of the time he was gone, so things were looking pretty bleak for Elena again.

I was more than happy for her though. Our reunion festivities would continue into the New Year and Caroline insisted that we have another girls sleepover the next night too. I wasn't going to say no. I wasn't looking to crawl into anyone else's bed but my own considering Stefan and I were on ropes.

Again, that morning Stefan didn't say anything to me, even when I said that I was leaving and that I'd be back later for the party. Elena said that she would talk to him and see where his head was at, but I was beginning to care less more. He was mad at me for nothing. He didn't know anything yet, so I was confused and frustrated that he was giving me the silent treatment. Although in hindsight it was probably some kinda of karma.

I felt like I was counting down the minutes until I saw Kai. It was strange, one minute I wanted rid of him and the next all I wanted to do was see him and make sure that he wasn't fucking up his chance to start over. I was also worried about him out in the world by himself after eighteen years of solitude. Of course he could take care of himself, he was a grown man but I was still concerned nonetheless- Not so much for his safety but for other people's. He had a lot to adjust to as well as the whole plan he'd orchestrated to kill his father and get revenge on his Coven.

As per the agreement I made with my friends I had to take Enzo with me when I went to see Kai. I didn't want to but I had no choice and Enzo said that he'd rather be safe than sorry, so there was that. We drove to Whitmore that morning and Caroline tagged along too, saying she wanted to get something. She was going on about a disco ball and I wasn't going to stop her from fulfilling her New Year's party fantasies.

"Stay far away from me in here? Got it?" I said to Enzo as we got to the door of the Bar. "Face the bar, get drunk and don't eavesdrop." I handed him a twenty dollar bill as I knew he wouldn't have listened without some kind of compensation. That's just how he operated. I also knew he couldn't get drunk but there was no harm in him trying if it meant I'd be left alone with Kai.

He looked at the money before narrowing his eyes at me. "No funny business though." Enzo warned. He pushed open the door with a firm arm and wandered inside. He didn't let me out of his sight until the door closed.

I wasn't sure how Kai was meant to get to Whitmore from Mystic Falls, if that's where he even was. I found myself worrying about him which was out of character and annoying. My mind wouldn't let the thought of Kai rest, it was just there all the time. I was looking for him in everyone and I assumed it was just some form of PTSD from the Prison World. We were attached at the hip for weeks and now that had gone I felt empty. To add to that feeling Stefan was pushing me away and instead of getting a chase out of me, he was just pushing me further towards Kai.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌 𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐄 - 𝐊.𝐏Where stories live. Discover now