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Unlike what someone might think, Wendy and Stan stayed good friends even after they broke up permanently.
Not besties, of course, but still close enough to hang out once in a while and talk to each other regularly.
They were still together when they came out to each other, both being bisexual, and were cool enough to hear about their respective crushes months after their break up.
Surely Wendy wasn't surprised to hear that Stan liked his best friend, that being made obvious since she could remember. She had to go through the boy's whole realisation, since he was the last one to be aware of his feelings towards Kyle.
The same couldn't be said for Stan, who was completely flabbergasted when he heard about Wendy's crush.
"Seriously, Bebe? Like, Bebe Stevens? Really?".
"Seriously, Kyle Brofloski?".
And both not being bold enough to do anything about it, they just kept pining over their respective best friends.
That was until, one random afternoon, Stan called Wendy.
"Stan? Is everything okay?".
"Listen, I have an idea".
"Is this an emergency? I'm studying".
"Just hear me out, okay?" He inhaled deeply "I have a plan that will help us both: me with Kyle and you with Bebe".
"Tell me more".
"We'll ask them to go on a double date: we will pretend that we're trying to get back together, and when it won't work out, we'll fell conveniently right in their arms. It can't fail".
Wendy sighed. She could picture the boy gesticulating in his room, so proud of his dumb idea.
"You came up with this plan?".
"Yeah... well, it was Kenny's idea, but I perfected it".
"Do you seriously think it will work?".
"I'm 100% sure".
The girl stayed silent for a while.
She looked at the textbook in front of her, then a picture on her wall where she and Stan in fourth grade were ice skating together, hand in hand, and then another picture with her and Bebe, her taking a selfie and Wendy hugging her waist, just a few months prior.
"Fine, I'm in".
They studied their plan in minimal detail: they would pretend the other had asked them on a double date and beg their friend to go with them. That will obviously not work out and they will hopefully get jealous of their respective bestie.
Wendy texted Bebe first:
I need a favor
so basically, Stan asked me on a date, to "try again"
but he wanted it to be a double date
so I need you to come with me and pretend to be on a sort of date with,, Kyle

my curly haired bestie [Bendy and Style]
عاطفيةAnd both not being bold enough to do anything about it, they just kept pining over their respective best friends. That was until, one random afternoon, Stan called Wendy. "Stan? Is everything okay?". "Listen, I have an idea". bendy and style!!