Does It Hurt?

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It took us all of two days to finish the remold of our room. No thanks to Danny who got paint all over me but when it was done our room looked spectacular. It was perfect mix between masculine and feminine. Now I was in the process of moving my things in. "Damn Pooh who knew you had so many clothes" Danny says after his fifth trip to get my clothes from my old room. "What can I say this girl likes to shop" I respond cheekily to which he snorts. I'm in our closet and I must say how good if feels to say our instead of my. This closet is more like another room that's how big it is we barely fill it up so you know what that means shopping! "You're thinking about shopping aren't you" he says smirking. "How did you know?" I ask shocked. "You always get the glazed over look in your eyes when you're thinking about that" he replies nonchalantly. It seems like ever since that god awful conversation about sex its been on my mind to complete our bond. I love Danny and I know he loves me. I can't take time for granted anymore considering I could not be here.

The pack hasn't been attacked since I've gotten back from the hospital. I still find it odd that they would attack and then nothing. I don't want to worry anyone by expressing my thoughts out loud. We've had enough problems I don't want to cause more 'Stay prepared Winter something is off I feel it too' Carolines says to me. 'I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling this way, it seems weird that the hunters and rogues were fighting together and only our pack. I can't help but think it has something to do with us' I tell her. 'I agree just make sure you are paying attention to your surroundings' she tell me. 'Winter this is off topic and I know this has been on your mind but when are you going to to mate with Danny I'm missing my mate?' she asks me softly. 'Oh my gosh I forgot you couldn't be with your mate until I mated with Danny. I am so sorry for being so selfish Caroline please forgive me' I whisper back ashamed at my behavior. 'Winter its ok I would never push you to do anything you weren't ready for we can just talk about it' she tells me. 'I'm scared what if I'm not good enough. I know he's been with so many girls. What if I don't measure up what if I'm horrible?' I reply panicking. 'Take a deep breath and relax. You are his mate you will 1000 times better than anyone he has ever been with. That boy loves you it will be so very special trust me' she says and with that she's gone leaving me with my thoughts. Having that talk with Caroline helped settles my nerves about it. I still have a couple of questions and I refuse to go to my mom so Brianna will do. "I'll be right back I'm going to see Bri for a second" I tell Danny going to her room.

I go down the hall to their room and knock on the door. Brianna opens the door smiling "I was beginning to wonder when you were going to come down and see the room" she says. I look around impressed the only pink I see is a few throw pillows but for the most part its mint green and yellow. Its an odd combination but they way they have it set up it works. "As much as I love to admire your awesome decorating skills I've come to talk to you about something else" I tell her in a serious tone. I sit on her bed and blow out my breath. "I'm scared about having sex" I mumble. "I understand what your going through. I was the same way with Nate. I thought I would mess it all up and he wouldn't want me sound familiar?" she questions. I nod yes "Well you won't, sure it will be a little awkward at first but once you get out of your head it will fine. I'm not going to lie it will hurt but after awhile it will start feeling so much better. There is nothing like connecting and being one with your mate on a new level. Trust me Win, stay out of your head don't think feel. This is your mate your other half he'll know what to do" she told me rubbing my hand. "Thank you Bri, I knew coming to talk to you would help. I'm so glad you're living here again" and with that I leave and plan my night with Danny.

I have to get Danny out of the room for a couple of hours without him questioning why. Just as I was lost in my thought I feel Danny wrap his arms around my waist and kiss my cheek. "Hey Pooh what's on your mind?" he asked. "Nothing just can't wait to sleep in our wonderful room tonight" I say smiling up at him. "I have a meeting later on with my dad so I'll be in free around dinner time if you want to go out to eat if you want?" he tells me. This is perfect now I don't have to lie which I suck at by the way. "Ok yeah sure come and get from our room when your done and ready to go" I told putting my plan into work. I go into the kitchen and start making lasagna with bread sticks and salad for dinner with a strawberry cheesecake for dessert that happens to be Danny's favorite meal. I start with the cheesecake because that needs the longest time in the refrigerator. 'Daddy can you tell me when the meeting is done I have a surprise for Danny' I link my dad. 'Sure sweetheart' he tells me back.

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