The Past

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The next day I woke up with a major headache thinking about last night's events. I still can't believe he would cheat on me again.

'Did you feel any pain last night?' my wolf asked. Now that I think about it I didn't feel anything at all. 'He probably didn't do it because he knows I'll feel it now' I thought back. 'You can be so insufferable some times, do you honestly believe that was the only reason. Are you thinking clearly?' she asked back softly.

I cut her off because I knew she was absolutely right I was still upset. Getting dressed I went in search of something to do I wasn't necessarily hungry so I stayed away from the kitchen. Wondering through the house I found myself in the game room. It was empty not that cared I decided to play a little COD to pass the time.

"What?! a girl who likes to play video games, You must be after my heart" Justin says smiling.

"Grab a controller and join in" I tell him. He sits next to me on the couch a little too close. 

'Something is off with him be careful around him' my wold says.

'Oh hush you think that about every guy who is not Danny, relax he's just a friend' I said rolling my eyes.

We played a few games just the two of us then some with a few of other male pack members who had come in later.

"Alright guys I'm tired of kicking your asses I'm going to head out now. Remember practice makes perfect" I yelled closing the door.

I went into the kitchen to fix myself something to eat. It was 4pm but I felt like having breakfast. I started cooking bacon, eggs, and waffles. "It smells good in here I hope you made extra" I turn around and see Dean and all of his friends.

"Of course guys, there's plenty to go around". While sitting at the table eating my wolf starts to stir and I get a glimpse of Danny walking down the hall. As if sensing me looking he turns he head and our eyes lock for a brief moment before he walks away. His eyes weren't the sparkling blue gems I had become accustom to seeing. All I saw was sadness it kills me to see not only my mate but, also my friend in that condition.

My food wasn't appealing to any more I cleared my plate and went walking around just thinking about Danny and our relationship or lack there of. Its been close to 2 months since the last time we've had any form of contact. This realization saddens me like no other.

Lost in my thoughts I bump into someone and its Brianna.

"Just the person I was looking for. Why do you look so sad Win what happened"? she asks.

"I saw Danny" were all the words that were spoken.

"Let's get you out if this funk and have a movie night, we'll stay up all night eating junk food and having fun what do you say"

"Ok lets do it but we have to go and get some snack food from the store" I tell her heading for door. Come on let's get this show on th road" laughing she follows behind me.

"Hey where are you two lovelies think your headed" Nate asked wrapping his arms around Brianna making her giggle.

"Well handsome we plan on having a movie night so we're going to the store want me get you something"she asks smiling. Watching them interact makes me wish I had that before I get sad again.

Dean comes barreling down the stairs "I'm in, I'm in. Can you pick me up some" I cut him off "If you want something you need to come and get it yourself".

In the store we ended up with 5 shopping carts filled with chips, cookies, candy, soda, pizza and every other junk food you could think of so much that the cashier asked if it we were feeding the highschool. We had all the guys carry the bag straight into the theater room. I sat down in my normal spot Dean sitting on one side of me and expecting Danny to sit on the other side was surprised to see Justin sitting in Danny's spot.

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