010 - 𝐰𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐬

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⋆𖤐₊˚.༄ 010. wolves.

— in which valera finds out the truth

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— in which valera finds out the truth.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐃𝐀𝐘, Bella clearly wanted to raise chaos. Her truck horn tooted from outside Valera's house, to which she gave her a questioning look out from the patio. Bella motioned for her best friend to hurry up, so she grabbed a white sweater in case of Fork's bipolar weather conditions. As she got into Bella's truck, she didn't even get an explanation straight away but sped out of Valera's driveway as fast as she could.

"We have to go to Jacob's!" Bella said quickly.

Valera shook her head and began to whine until Bella interrupted her. "No, Bella. Last time we went to Jacob's..."

"This is different! He visited me last night, and I have this weird feeling about something to do with him, I can't explain it. It's about this Quileute Legend." 

Valera flickered her eyes, thinking this girl had finally snapped. That was until she parked the truck and sprinted toward the front door. Valera trailed slowly behind, not really wanting to see Jacob or any of his 'new' friends in that cult of Sam's. She was still so angry about the whole ditching thing.

"Hello, Bella. Valera." Billy welcomed the girls, Valera smiled but Bella was till on a roll.

"I need to see Jacob." Bella continued like it was the only thing she could say.

She didn't even care that Billy said that he wasn't in. Valera tried to pull her away but she pushed passed him and into their house. Valera's mouth stayed open as she apologized to Billy. Bella swung open Jacob's bedroom door and stood in the frame, staring. She couldn't see what Bella was looking at, was he there or wasn't he? The same group of shirtless boys from before whooped and called out to Jacob's house. Valera took a step back as Bella pushed passed her as she made her way towards the boys outside.

"Bella! Stop, Bella!" Valera called, running after her.

"What did you do!" Bella yelled, pushing Sam harshly. Valera didn't dare look at any of the boys, keeping her focus on Sam and Bella. "He didn't want this!"

"What did we do? What did he tell you?" Paul asked, shaking with his anger.

"Both of you calm down." Sam said, pulling Paul back a little.

Bella continued to argue, "Nothing. He tells me nothing because he's scared of you!"

Paul laughed in her face, making her even more mad. So Bella did the one thing she should definitely not have done. Slapped Paul in the face. Valera stood in front of her, in between them hoping to stop the fight. Paul shook violently, his anger bursting.

"Too late now." Jared spoke whilst Sam yelled for both of the girls to get back.

Valera didn't move, she was watching in horror. She was less than a meter away from Paul. Bella took steps back, but Valera was frozen. He growled and just as his body folded, an arm yanked her back. Paul had transformed into a gigantic gray wolf. Jake called out running out from his house towards Bella and he too transformed into a wolf. Both Jacob and Paul fought furiously, though Sam didn't do a thing to stop them. The arm let go of Valera's body and she turned her head to see who it was.

As her eyes focused on his coffee brown eyes she instantly knew it was Embry. She wanted to look away but something was making sure they couldn't. She began to see him differently, beautifully and exquisitely. The pair didn't exchange any words except stare at each other and she didn't care. Why was this happening? All her anger towards him had gone away in an instant. Filling her eyes were visions, their future. It was like a dream, blurry and surreal but it was definitely images of Embry and Valera. The first vision was of her reflection. Her smile reflected from an eye, clearly an eye of a wolf. His fur was a dark grey except that of his face which was silver. The second vision showed her lying beside him, her head resting on his chest. Even though it was plainly a vision, she felt the way his heart beat and could feel the softness of his skin as his hand intertwined with her own. The third vision changed the sweetness of this fantasy. Valera was laying on the ground, the Cullen's surrounding her. Bella was rambling, maybe pleading something to Carlisle who held her wrist. She was crying, or crying out of pain, she wasn't quite sure. She had blood over her body and before she could piece together what was going on, the vision moved to Embry's face, where he stood half in shock and half with anger.

"How did you manage to calm her?" Jared laughed, which made Valera blink and look away. Her cheeks reddened as she could feel him staring at her. She pushed Embry away off her and walked over to Bella who picked herself up off the floor.

"Hey, take Bella and Valera back to Emily's place." Sam informed the other three boys as he took off after Jake and Paul.

"No. Bella, take me home now!" Valera demanded, softly while she could sense Embry, Jace and Jared walking up behind them.

"Valera!" A voice called out, Valera turned looking to Embry.

Jared looked to him, worryingly. Jace also stood behind him waiting for the blonde girl's response. She turned away, a tear going down her cheek and locked herself in Bella's truck. It was all way too much for Valera. Between Jacob, Laurent, Bella and now Sam's cult. Seeing this weird vision thing between Embry and herself as well as her anger towards all of them had just piled and piled till now. It all caved into one and she couldn't take it.

"What did I do?" Embry asked Bella, sadly looking over at Valera where she sat in Bella's truck.

"Maybe the fact that for months you were trying to get her attention and once you got your wish and you guys became friends all of a sudden for months on end you disappeared with zero contact and now you just expect her to welcome you with open arms in hopes everything will return back to normal?" Bella spoke, "but I guarantee you she'll come back around."

Bella headed towards the truck where she sat inside, pulling away slowly. Valera didn't look at Embry, not wanting to see his disappointed face as she left this time.

"Embry wanted to talk," Bella spoke softly on their drive back to Forks.

Valera sighed heavily, "I wanted to, really. I mean I like him, I really do but this is all too much to process. You were angry about Edward and Jacob leaving, well this is me being angry about Embry leaving me too, or has he forgotten about that?"

"I understand, you know I do, but for how long, though?" Bella asked, looking over to her best friend.

She didn't turn to look at Bella, instead focused on the road ahead of them to hide her sad eyes. "You know me. It won't last long."


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